The Courage to Get a Porsche: The First Step to Success is Self-Suggestion

Hesitation to buy a Porsche
I want a Porsche.
However, I'm not sure I'm stout enough for it.
Not a few people think this way. On January 1 of this year, a tweet of mine was viewed by many people with over 170,000 views. The tweet was about a conversation between former President Trump and Robert Kiyosaki.
ポルシェが欲しいなぁ、でも、買えないなぁ、身の丈に合ってないしなぁ、などと思ってる人へ捧げる動画 Hiro@Porsche came to my house (@boxster_gts) January 1, 2025
A friend of former President Trump had a friend who only flew first class from a time when he was not yet a successful man. That person later became very successful, he said. Former President Trump said that his friend had self implied that he was a first class person.This is a very important point.I am alreadyActing like a successful person is what actually leads to success!The following is a list of the most common problems with the "C" in the "C" column.
For those who want to buy a Porsche but can't take the first step, this story is thought-provoking.
There may be many factors, such as financial problems, partner opposition, etc. In many cases, however, one's ownThe biggest barrier is the belief that "you're not good enough."The first two are the following.
The trap of thinking "fit for size"
The Japanese are fond of the phrase "suitable for one's height.
Let's live within our means, buy what we can afford, use what we can afford, etc... But I think this ideaI would like to strongly deny this.
If you want to be more successful than others, you can only be at the same level as 80% of the world if you do the same things that 80% of the world thinks is "common sense". Those who succeed and do well belong to the remaining 10-20% of the group. In other words, theShould think and act like a minority groupIt is.
Let's take sports as an example.
If you want to be good at soccer or baseball, ask someone who is good at it to teach you. Then, you listen to their teachings and put them into practice. However,Curiously, when it comes to financial success, many people do not do this obvious thing.
You want to increase your income, be successful, or buy a Porsche. If you think so, you should listen to those who have already done so and imitate their actions and thinking. In particularThinking is most importantIt is. People who are financially successful are good at making money, just as they are good at sports. If that is the case, we should learn from those who are good at it.
Accept the advice of successful people with open arms.
Some may say many things in response to this X video, "This is just one example," or "There are other ways to be successful. But I would like to say this. than myself.Successful people have said it, so do it that way first.Then we'll talk about it.
One thing that people who don't do well have in common is that they are critical of the advice of those who are good and don't listen to it. If you do that in sports, you will never improve.The exact same is true for economic success.
If you want to be financially successful, learn from successful people. Then, you can imitate their way of thinking and behavior. First of all, it is important to have the same mentality as those people.
The Power of Self-Suggestion
The example of former President Trump's friend illustrates the power of self-suggestion. When I was a student myself, I was not good at studying, but one of my teachers taught me to act as if I had already passed my first choice. By doing so, I created the illusion of being smart, or self-suggestion.Then, strangely enough, his grades visibly improved.
This is a very important technique to fool yourself. Of course, I would not recommend buying a Porsche in extreme circumstances, such as not being able to afford tomorrow's food. However, for those who can reach it if they work a little harder, or if they have the courage to go to the dealer, they might be able to manage it.We hope you will take the first step.By doing so, we want you to feel as if you were a Porsche owner.
Dare to get a Porsche
As we begin the year 2025, my message to you is this.
As a good start to this year and the New Year, I want you to visit a dealership. I want you to visit a used car dealer. Test drive a Porsche.
If you buy it,If you feel you can't afford the loan or for any other reason, you can sell immediately.
Cars are highly liquid and can be sold quickly. Unlike real estate or other assets, they are highly liquid. Of course, there will be some price declines for some types of cars. However, the drop in the price of a Porsche is less than that of other cars. In some cases, you can get it for a whole lot less than buying a family car.
By driving a Porsche, you will have more opportunities to talk with Porsche owners in various places. You will have more opportunities to make friends with those people. In other words, you can join a group of such people. In this worldLike attracts like."This is a very clear and powerful law that
Once you get on board with this law, you will naturally change your own behavior and the way you think. If this happens, you will be able to enter a virtuous cycle of doing well at work and earning more money.
This year,I don't know if I'm ready for a Porsche," or "It's not my size," or "What will people say if I buy one of these things?"If you have any doubts about this, please take the time to read this blog post.
And I hope you will have the courage to take the first step.
It could be the first step in making a big difference in your life.
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