Test drive BMW Z4 M40i|How does a Boxster rider feel?
Recently, my husband often gets to test drive various famous cars of his acquaintances. The other day, he was allowed to ride in a BMW Z4 M40i, and he wrote about his impressions...
Recently, my husband often gets to test drive various famous cars of his acquaintances. The other day, he was allowed to ride in a BMW Z4 M40i, and he wrote about his impressions...
Finally, Sold My BMW 320i The other day, I finally said goodbye to my beloved BMW 320i (F30). As I mentioned briefly in an article a while ago, the sale of this car was ne...
BMW 320i, Last Drive By the time this article goes up, my first car, a BMW 320i, will have already been sold, but the other day I had the opportunity to drive it on the highway...
My beloved BMW 320i As I mentioned briefly in a recent article, after much thought, I have decided to part with my own beloved BMW 320i for the first time in my life. I bought a used 320...
The loaner car was a 320d (F30 model) When I recently took my BMW 320i in for its one-year inspection, I was lent a 320d (F30 model) as a loaner car. The loaner car for such inspections is a...
BMW, Inspection The time has come quickly for the one-year inspection of my BMW 320i (F30). (2014 model) The mileage in less than a year is about 6,500 km.
Manual Car Ever since the first car I ever loved in my life, a manual transmission BMW 320i, came to my house, I have been driving the 320i quite often. Fast forward to the day I took delivery of the car...
320i (G20), test drive Not long ago, I wrote an article about the M2 test drive at a BMW dealership... BMW M2 Competition test drive...
I am writing about my experience of driving a manual car while wearing a kimono. I later found out that there are some prefectures where it is against the Road Traffic Law... I think it is a good idea to drive after carefully researching the regulations for wearing kimonos.
I was driving on the highway in a BMW 320i when an M4 came up behind me. Its appearance and engine sound were so cool that I followed it as far as I could follow it after exiting the IC, and this is the story of how I got caught in a huge traffic jam.