I interviewed the owner of Rokko Garage, a used car dealership that carries Porsche, BMW, and other great cars!
Release Date: 2022.10.02

A used car dealership where car enthusiasts gather andRokko Galley.Focusing on PorscheCar purchase, auction agency, consignment sales, name changeand others.
On the day of the interview, the garage was filled with911 Carrera S (991.1) with 5 million yen worth of options, and a Horizon Blue 911 (964C2).and other items were carefully stored.
The owner of Rokko Galley is Mr. Tomino.
Although his main business is real estate, he started a used car dealership because of his hobby of car enthusiasts.He is a self-confessed car enthusiast.

Mr. Tomino used to drive a Porsche 911 Turbo in circuit races.
Why did you start a used car dealership?
wealthy farmerThe reason I started a used car dealership is a coincidence of various timing and triggers, or perhaps you could call it inevitable.
."I'm gonna open a car dealership.It wasn't a decision I had made before," he said.
Must be a car enthusiast."
Building a Garage House."
I have had a change of heart."
"I had to temporarily stop working at my day job due to the Corona disaster."
This was a very natural progression for me.

The business meeting space is decorated with stylish Porsche paintings.
My main business is real estate.
I used to work as a company employee, but when I started my own business and started to get my business going, and I had some money to spare, I started to think, "I'm not going to be able to afford this.I want a car.I began to think, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.
However, I had no knowledge about cars at that time, so I searched the Internet, but I didn't know any more (laughs), so I started withPurchased a used 911 (996, Tiptro).
After that, I posted on Mincara and learned a lot from my friends at car gatherings, and before I knew it, I was hooked on cars.Last year, we decided to start a used car dealership.
What kind of cars do you deal with?
wealthy farmerThe car I want to drive.
."I don't care if this car does not sell in the end. I want to keep myself in it forever.The car seems like a "good" car.
Not only the condition and degree, but also the feeling and the skin sensation of "I like this one.I try to stock what I can think of as "the best of the best.
Take, for example, the Horizon Blue 964 in the store right now: a rare body color, a classy and tasteful car.

Porsche 911 (964C2)
It is a right-hand drive and you may feel a little uncomfortable with the pedal position at the beginning, but you will get used to it after riding for a while.It is fun to drive on any road, whether it is a public road, highway, or winding road.
So, at worst, I thought it would be okay if it didn't sell... (laughs)
My day job is in real estate.We are not looking to make a large profit from used car sales.
Of course, a minimum profit is required, but since we do not have employees or a maintenance shop, we do not have much in the way of fixed costs.
If you are a "I want to ride.The seller is pleased by buying a car that seems to be "the best" at a higher price than the market price, and the buyer is pleased by selling it at a lower price than the market price.
I would like to continue with the sense of the Omi merchant's business, where the seller, the buyer, and myself can all be in the best interest of the three parties.I believe that this is a good idea.

Porsche 911 Carrera S
Nevertheless, there were some mistakes in the beginning.
When they purchased a car at an auction, when they actually received it, they found that the inside of the car was flooded.I've been cheated out of this one...I also had the experience of
since thenWe buy from stores and people we trust, and we sell to people we know we can trust."which is called "Business based on trustI've come to value the "more" more.
And now.Porsche came to our house.Thanks to the blog of "The Cars for Sale" and various other connections, the store has become a place where I can sell and buy cars in a way that is close to my ideals.
What are your future prospects and what is important to you?
wealthy farmerIn the community of car friends that has emerged through Rokko Garage: theWe want to continue to be a three-way used car dealership with people we can trust.It is.
In that sense.Maybe you will have a stronger relationship with those who live nearby than those who live far away.It may be.
As I mentioned earlier, I'm not a used car dealer by trade.Please buy whatever you need.and not force them to sell.
Even if the worst happens and I don't sell it, I only deal with cars that I would want to drive forever.I can trust this owner to take care of me.We make sure that we give it to the right person," he says, "and to those who are comfortable with it.
Take, for example, an air-cooled Porsche. If you drive it a little, it will always have problems or break down.
After all, these cars were made several decades ago.
Rather.One of the charms of an air-cooled Porsche is that you can maintain, fix, and own it as if you were feeding your children!I think it is, so I would like to sell it to an owner who can take good care of it with such a big vessel.
Nowadays, good and famous cars to some extent in Japan are leaking out to foreign countries.
thereforeI hope that we can continue to enjoy and protect valuable and famous cars together in the community of our friends through the Rokko Garage.Nothing could be more wonderful.
With this in mind, I would like to continue to enjoy and keep the store open.
Thank you very much for allowing us to interview Mr. Tomino, who is full of love for cars and humor.
And what a surprise.If you mention that you saw the article "A Porsche Came to My House", we will give you a special blog price for both buying and selling!
If you are thinking of buying a car, auctioning a car, selling a car on consignment, or changing the name of a car, why not contact the Rokko Garage?
Rokko Gallege
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