Tasting the Taikan for the first time in two weeks|Receiving the driving experience of a Porsche that pushes you to the edge of excitement with every run.
Published on: 2024.04.09

During the children's spring break, I had not been on the Taikan for a while because I had gone home to my parents' house.
Since the delivery of the car, I have been riding the Taikan every day, and this is the first time I have not ridden the Taikan for such a long time.
In the midst of all this, when I returned home from my parents' house and got on the Taikan for the first time in about two weeks, I had never been so impressed.
The greatness of Taikan can be seen in comparison with other cars.
All the time at my parents' house,He was driving a Toyota compact SUV.I had no particular complaints and found it easy to drive and adequate for daily use. Of course, it is not a sporty car to drive, but it was not difficult to drive at all.
However, when I took my parents and children on a trip during spring break, the rental car (a Toyota minivan) we rented at the destination...the ground feel was thin and the suspension and handling seemed inadequate, and the speed was not fast enough for the engine noise. The car was not fast at all in spite of the engine noise.
I returned home with this experience and got into the Taikan for the first time in two weeks, and within two seconds of starting to drive, I was impressed. After that, every time I drove, turned, or stopped, I was overwhelmed with amazement that "Porsche is amazing after all," and I was so impressed that I shivered (laugh).
What car have you been driving recently?Frankly, there was as much difference between a bicycle and a car as there was between a bicycle and a car.
Porsche is not a luxury car, it's a high performance car.They say, "It's a good car," and that is exactly what it is. From the moment the driver grips the steering wheel, the car exudes an atmosphere of "solid driving" and conveys its reliability to the driver, even though he or she has not yet driven it.
When you turn on the power (since the Taikan is an EV) and start driving, that smoothness, ground feel, and firmness of the suspension.
."I guess once you own a Porsche, you can't easily switch to another car...I felt again, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.
The appeal of Taikan is felt only because it is ridden occasionally.
When I used to drive a Taikan every day, I used to think that it was a great car, but after not driving it for a while, I realized once again how great it is.
Human senses are unreliable.
Since the car one drove immediately before is the standard, it is common for one's evaluation of the same car to change completely, but the large gap between the car one drove recently and the one one one drives now makes one more aware of the quality of the Taikan.
The appeal of Porsche, including the Taikan, is that it is aYou'll want to run everywhere."". ."Running, turning, stoppingIt satisfies the high performance of the "Mere Old Man" and his desire to run to the fullest.
The Taikan (Porsche) is such a special car that makes your heart dance when you drive it.
An irreplaceable time in Taikan.
I also felt this way.
At my parents' house, I used the train to go to work, so I was constantly traveling by train, and if I could sit down, I could work, and train travel was not bad.
But it is also very important to have your own space and time in the car.
The sensation of going from a place where there is always someone around and constant distractions to a place where getting in the car creates a space that is your own and resets you.
I used to think of the car only as a means of transportation, but I realized that this time alone in the car was very important to me, a precious time to clear my head and face myself.
Mileage 3,500 km. with Taikan from now on.
What I felt again after experiencing a relatively long period of time (12 days) without riding in a Taikan, which I am usually accustomed to riding, was the following,The value of your car can be reconfirmed by not driving it once in a while."That's what I mean.
When you drive a car on a daily basis, no matter how wonderful it is, you gradually lose the feeling of its good qualities. But that feeling you get when you return to your beloved car after a period of not driving it for a while.
I still love this car!"The moment when I could realize that I was in the right place at the right time was very irreplaceable.
I would like to continue to enjoy the company of my car over a long span of time, taking time away from it from time to time. And someday, it would be wonderful if I could add a car other than a Porsche to my lineup and enjoy a more fulfilling car life.
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