Mercedes-Benz E250 (W213) Test Drive Review: Excellent basic performance that is the metric prototype

Mercedes-Benz E250
Reviews & Test Rides

Mercedes-Benz E250 (W213) Test Drive Report

I would like to report on a test drive of the Mercedes-Benz E250 (W213), although this will be a short previous test drive.
Just recently, Mercedes just announced the new E-Class,This E-Class will be an early model of the current model (W213).The grade is E250 Avantgarde Sport.

Mercedes-Benz E250

Ride Comfort

First, when you start running,This unit uses a regular spring suspension (spring suspension) instead of air suspension.However, there are no particular complaints about the ride quality. It absorbs the impact of the road surface sufficiently, and almost no one will feel that the ride is uncomfortable.

The ride is consistent and comfortable at all speeds, from the start of the ride to when the speed is increased. This is a more defensible speed range than the GLB spring suspension.

Mercedes-Benz E250 instrument panel

However, if you want this ride to have an extra sense of heft and moistness, we recommend that you choose a higher grade or air suspension. This isE-Class Coupe (E200)I felt the same thing in the E-Class, so I think this is true for the E-Class in general, or even for Mercedes in general.

Seats and Interiors

At first glance, the seats seem hard because of their sporty design,As for comfort, it is very comfortable.The leather texture is a bit slippery and slick, but the leather is very soft and pleasant to the touch. The seats are generous in size and provide ample room to relax.

This would be a good idea.You could take your wife or girlfriend on a long drive and they wouldn't complain at all.I think. It is truly a seat suitable for the medium class of Mercedes.

Mercedes-Benz E250

Rear seat of Mercedes-Benz E250

Large enough for your needs

Unlike the lower classes, all ambient lighting in the car is indirect. For example,While the GLB, for example, has LED emission lines directly visible, the E-Class lighting is embedded where the lights are not directly visible to the eye.Therefore, the light is very soft and gives a sense of luxury. The interior is very glamorous, with no lack of production in this area.

Engine impression Compared to E200 engine

Moving on to the driving experience, the engine is a 2-liter straight-4 turbo that produces 211 hp and 350 Nm. This is a highly tuned version of the 184 hp engine in the E200 Coupe that we drove before.

The E200's engine was like a diesel in the best sense of the word, very honest and serious in its work, but the E250 adds a little bit of color to it.

From the start of the run,The smoothness of the engine is outstanding, and if not mentioned, it feels like an NA engine.This is the same with the 200's engine, which does not feel turbocharged at all.

Interior of Mercedes-Benz E250

The 250's engine shows its color when it is cranked, and even in the mid- to high-rpm range, where the 200's engine would have a somewhat difficult time, it blows up as lightly as a 3-liter NA engine, while still demonstrating a certain amount of power.

This sense of power,It may not be enough at ultra-high speeds such as on the Autobahn, but it has the perfect amount of power for driving at a high pace on Japanese highways or on empty country roads in Japan.I think this engine is well set up for cruising, enjoying the clear revving feel, not the engine noise.


And what is surprising is the handling; we have already seen glimpses of it in the E200 Coupe, but the E-Class' legs are still very good.

The ride is soft and comfortable, yet it does not break down at all even if you drive a little fast through curves. At low speeds, the steering is loose near neutral, but as the speed increases and a certain amount of steering angle is applied, the car responds very linearly. All four wheels are firmly in contact with the road surface, and when the steering wheel is turned, the car turns exactly to the extent that the steering wheel is turned.

Mercedes-Benz E250

Of course, it is an E-Class, so it is not a sports car. Despite this, the beauty of the Mercedes lies in the fact that it is capable of this kind of driving.

To be honest, I think it is many times more comfortable and high performance than a certain domestic sports car I used to drive. Of course, in terms of speed, I think the sports car wins hands down,The basic action of "turning" is realized at a very high level without sacrificing ride comfort, and even makes the driver feel comfortable and enjoy the car.I must say that I am very impressed with this setting. It is truly a "metric prototype" setting that all cars should follow as a model.

Summary of test drive on E250

The Mercedes-Benz E250 (W213), as I perceived it during my test drive, has a comfortable ride, relaxing seats, luxurious ambient lighting, a smooth and powerful engine, and great handling. However,If you want more heft and moistness in ride quality, we recommend choosing a higher grade or air suspension.

Mercedes-Benz E250

All in all, the E250 combines excellent performance and comfort as the core of the Mercedes-Benz lineup, making it a suitable vehicle for long-distance driving and everyday use. Moreover, with prices on the used market now more affordable, it is an attractive option for drivers who are considering a high-quality import.


I am Mina's husband. We don't drive cars for fashion or status symbols. We like cars that are fun to drive, are good industrial products, and have a sense of the maker's intention...


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