To the wife who is against buying a sports or luxury car. Let her buy it comfortably!
Published on: 2021.06.12

Wife opposed to husband buying Lexus
I saw an interesting article on Twitter the other day.
'My husband, whose annual income is 12 million yen, wants to buy an 8 million yen Lexus. Do you forgive him?" Cold opinions from a housewife asking for advice.
The family consists of a husband, 47, wife, 42, and a child in the second grade, so probably a family of three.
My husband currently drives an older Toyota Sienta, but recently he told me, "When we went out to dinner, all the female employees in the company wanted to drive the Lexus, Crown, and new Harrier that their subordinates and colleagues were driving, and I was embarrassed because no one was driving my car.I want to replace my car with a new Lexus RX.He said, "I'm not going to be able to do that.
As for my wife.
Sure, I can look good to my mom's friends and the people around me, but I don't want to buy such an expensive car when my husband seldom drives a car. Rather.I want to put money aside for my children's future and retirement.Incidentally, I currently have 80 million yen in financial assets in savings and mutual funds, but I would hate to have to spend 10% of the money I have worked so hard to save.
So, they consulted with Yahoo Chiebukuro.
In the end, for this consultation, I said, "Your husband has that much income, so let him drive whatever car he wants.The wife, who is also a consultant, is often defensive of her husband, saying, "I'm not a husband, I'm a wife.Move toward saving and buying by reducing the husband's allowance at bonus time.It seems to have been called "the
I see.... I mean, 80 million yen in financial assets is amazing...!
What does your husband think about this?
She told her husband, "I found this article. What do you think?I asked.
I know...there are wives out there who are against buying a sports car or a luxury car when their husbands have the income to do so. But at that point, those wives are "notMy husband is not expected to make any more money in the future.I think "I'm unconsciously making assumptions.
On the surface, I don't think so.Unconsciously so.I think they are against it because of the
."If I were a salaried worker, it would be realistically difficult to make any more money than I do now.You might say, "I don't know," but there are plenty of possibilities to increase your income from what you have now, including side jobs and asset management.
But the wives who object at these times are...He's convinced there's a ceiling on his income.It is not a "good thing". That implies that "She denies the possibility of her own husband.I mean, "What's that?".
For example, in the case of this article, if the husband wants to buy a new RX, the wife would say, "Oh, an 8 million yen RX! If you're going to go through the trouble of buying one, why not just buy it?I've got to go for the 15 million yen LS!I wish they would at least say "W
If she returned it to me like that, my husband would say, "Ha!You say, "I know, I have to make more money, I have to work harder. I see, I have to earn more money, I have to work harder. With that kind of wife, I think the husband will grow and develop. Well, it depends on the husband's personality and ability.
He said.
なるほどなぁ…夫の話を聞きながら、そういった奥さんは、自分の夫の可能性以上に、I don't believe in myself.I wondered if it might be.
I felt that she might be desperately trying to protect a situation where she could be sure of security, because she was not confident that she could endure or overcome the situation there, and she was worried that if her husband were to be demoted or fired in the future, she might not be able to.
The Psychology of Couples Opposing Each Other
I've been in the life ofsomething unexpectedSometimes things happen that you never imagined would happen, because "the "what" is always there. However, if one day my husband was suddenly fired from his job
If that happens, you can move to a place where the rent is lower than it is now. Worst case scenario, we could move everything out and stay with my parents. Also, if I go to work, it would add up to some money, and if my husband changes jobs while we are still eating from our savings, we can make it work.
I am sure that if we can think of it as such, we will see things differently.
When I was in my 20s, I started my own business with no idea of what was right or left, and I had my fair share of hardships, especially in terms of money. When I ran out of money, I had to walk the distance of three stations for about an hour, buy a box of cup ramen noodles on special sales days, and eat cup ramen noodles for every meal.
But after the experience of having to
I want my husband to spend the money he earns as freely as possible because it is really hard work to earn money from nothing, even if it is only 10,000 yen.
I began to think that it was a good idea. It may be an exaggeration, but for me it was an intense experience that changed my outlook on life.
So from now on, when my husband says, "I want to ____. I want to have a ____.If I were to consult with you and say, "I'm not opposed to this, unless it's something this point, I think it's a good idea. w
That would make it a hypothetical "You failed.If it goes well, we will be able to experience success and raise our own stage. There is something to be gained either way, so there is no choice but to take up the challenge.
This is a bit off-topic, but perhaps opposition to what one's husband does is, when you get right down to it, a sign of a lack of trust or confidence in oneself. And, "Husband opposes what wife wants to doI think the same may be true in the end in the case of "the
Strong School Theory and Luxury Cars
My husband also had this to say about the matter.
Previous "power school theoryI learned that it's called "the first time I've ever heard of it.
For members of the Koshien regulars, "It is a matter of course to be in KoshienI'm sure you're right, but for a member of a high school team that has never been to Koshien, "I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make it."Koshien is a dream come true, there is no way we can make it.I think there is an awareness of the importance of This is all before technology.The odds of making it to Koshien are very different.
In other words, the standards of what is normal for a person vary greatly depending on the environment in which he or she was born and raised, and when doing something, these standards have unknowingly become a mental block....
That's why wives who object to the purchase of sports cars and luxury cars also say, "There's no way I'd buy a luxury or sports car.I guess you were brought up in an environment with the value system of "I'm a good person.
Well, I can't say whether that is good or bad, but I want to raise my children in a way that they don't have mental blocks as much as possible. If there is a mental block, even if they have the ability to achieve something, they will never be able to achieve it if they think it is impossible.
Fortunately, our children are both good and bad.I don't believe at all that "Porsche is anything special."I think they think "If I want it in the future, I will be able to buy it". At least, I don't feel like it's just a dream.
I hope that she will be able to live her life without being bound by the norms of the world, not only financially, but in every respect, and without thinking "I can't do it myself" from the start.
Each family has its own circumstances, its own way of thinking, and its own way of life. Also, with the birth of a child, there are more things to protect, so things may not be the same as before.
However, we only live once, so when we are faced with a decision, I hope that we can choose the one that excites us, even if it means taking a few risks, rather than sticking with the status quo.
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Very interesting content.
I may have a slightly different point of view, but I had something I wanted to do, but I couldn't help but second-guess it if it was something that would cost a lot of money.
But one day, my boss at work told me.
It's no wonder it costs money to do something. But even if you save up 100 million yen and go to an old people's home with amazing facilities, you won't have anything to talk about with the people around you there. Would you enjoy that?
Even if you end up in a regular nursing home, it would definitely be more fun to have a lot of stories to tell about all the things you have done. If I end up in a regular nursing home, it will be more fun to have a lot of stories to tell about what I have been doing.
Since then, I try to spend my money on things I enjoy.
Of course, saving money and being thrifty are important, but these words made me realize that if we are biased toward only those things, our one and only life will be tasteless.
As your husband says, if something goes wrong, we can think of a lot of things to do.
It's just another story of my life.
Thank you!
k, your boss is amazing...!
I never thought I'd meet a boss who could teach me important things in life like that.
That's insanely nice...!
We want to make sure that when you look back in hindsight, you will never think, "I should have done this back then...".
I was reminded once again that I want to live my life without regrets.
Mina Good evening.
Always an interesting article, but this one especially drew me in.
That's right. You only live once, so you want to choose the one that excites you the most.
Myself, I want a 2 door coupe as my next to last car in life. I won't hold back.
I would like to choose a car, but I'm still looking for a two-door coupe or two-seater.
My wife's hurdle is high.
I read this blog and how to convince my wife to buy a sports car.
Learning I hope to somehow get the car of my dreams.
Your husband's comments are very informative!
Thank you for everything.
Yes, a 2-door coupe 2-seater...normally, you don't need one ^^;
Every day I am reminded that it is really difficult to choose a car that satisfies both me and my family....
Thank you for your continued support!
It's easy to say why you can't do something. It's cool to say "risk hedging," but if that's all you do, you'll never move forward.
However, I can understand why your wife would be cautious. For a big expense, the value of the house (in general) goes down the moment you buy it.
That is why I think "how you use it" is so important. It is important to look good to your colleagues and subordinates, but it is a hobby that you have to have at home, so I think it is necessary to make a strong appeal there.
Incidentally, I try to go with them on test drives. This has been effective because my wife, who used to say, "Cars are just fine as long as they work," has gradually become interested in them.
Of course, I make my own financial limit, up to 50% of my annual income. I'll earn more to drive a nicer car!
I'm sure many of you have a lot of thoughts about this couple, and I'm sure many of you have a lot of thoughts about them.
This story has given me a chance to reflect on how we as a couple should be.
>This was also effective because his wife, who used to say, "Cars are just fine as long as they work," gradually became interested in them.
Oh my gosh it's amazing!!!
That's wonderful!
I, too, will do my best!
Interesting discussion, always looking forward to it.
Cars, motorcycles, and golf are men's pastimes.
As a different view anyway.
When you want to buy or replace a car frequently, part of the time it's usually a woman-related thing, so the wife who doesn't give you a good car for a high salary.
is, in a sense, suppressing the cheating spirit, I thought.
The only thing I can say is that when the time comes to get into an accident, get in a safe car.
It's important to protect your family, yourself and your passengers.
A car can be a deadly weapon, so driving safely is the first priority.
Thank you for visiting our blog.
Indeed, it is really important to drive a safe car.
Of course you choose a car because it's cool or something like that.
I was reminded that it is more important to be aware of my own responsibility to own and drive safely.
I remember once a Ferrari dealer's sales rep.
People who actually get to drive Ferraris are lucky." He said.
Of course you do, but there's more to that story, even if you are financially able to afford it.
He said that there are many people who want to ride but cannot because of their position or because their wives are against it. Therefore, he says, those who "actually get to ride" are happy people.
Certainly, for those who are not interested, spending tens of millions of yen on a car would be nothing but a waste.
But, you know, isn't life fun because of its futility?
Isn't it boring to live a life in which the only consideration is whether it is necessary or useless for survival?
Mr. Mercury.
>He said that there are many people who want to ride but can't because of their position or because their wives are against it. So those who "can actually ride" are happy people, he said.
I see... deep...
You are really happy to be able to ride on it for many other reasons besides economic reasons.
>But, I think life is fun because of its futility.
It really is, even if everyone around you thinks it's a waste of time, if it uplifts you, if it satisfies you.
That would be really worthwhile and nice!
Thank you for your continued support.