I've enabled the (DRL) daylights on my BMW!
Daylights on a BMW 320i Today, I'm going to talk about the daylights on a BMW 320i. This is my first car, a BMW 320i, and it is a 2014 model, so when it was delivered to...
Daylights on a BMW 320i Today, I'm going to talk about the daylights on a BMW 320i. This is my first car, a BMW 320i, and it is a 2014 model, so when it was delivered to...
My Husband's Impression of the 320i It's been a while since I took delivery of my BMW 320i, and I finally got my husband to drive it to some extent, so here is my first impression report of the 320i...
Delivery of BMW 320i A BMW 320i (F30) finally arrived at my house the other day, a 2014 model with manual transmission. This is my first car in my life, and I never expected...
Toward the purchase of a MT car Early last month, I decided that I would buy myself a MT car this year. And only two weeks later, I said to myself, "What a surprise, a BMW 320i (MT) is coming to my house...
Looking for a MT car The other day, I wrote in my blog that I had a change of heart and decided to buy a used MT car by myself this year (by the end of summer)...
One day, a call came from a BMW dealer The other day, my husband received a call from a BMW dealer. The caller said, "The previous person in charge has retired, and we would like to greet the new person in charge and take him for a test drive....
Farewell to the Panamera Edition Yesterday, the Panamera finally left our home. Mr. H, the dealer representative, will come to pick up the Panamera at 1:00 p.m....