Panamera interior - beige leather seats get so dirty [pictures].
Published on: 2017.09.16

Beige is cool, but...
The leather seats in the interior of our Panamera are beige.Black/Luxor Beige with Standard Interior."I like this two-tone color a lot. Also, I liked the beige seats very much when I first received the car because I felt that they added to the luxurious feel of the car.
However, some time after the car was delivered, the seats began to look a little dirty.Beige is beautiful and cool, but the main drawback is that it is very easy to get dirty.It is. If I had wiped it clean with a leather wipe seat after every ride I'm sure it wouldn't have gotten so dirty, but I haven't done that so...(With two kids, there's no time to actually do that before you get out of the car.)In fact, after a year and a half of riding, this is what it looked like.
It's so looks so thin and dirty. The main cause of this stain is the denim I was wearing. There was quite a period of time when I was driving around wearing dark-colored denim that was about a year old when I bought it, and I think the color has faded due to sweat and whatnot. I had washed them quite a few times before that, and the color had not faded anymore, so I assumed that they would be fine... but I was naive.
If you zoom in, it's even dirtier... Now, I don't wear any of this denim when I drive my Panamera, and if anything, I'm wearing jeans that I bought about 5 years ago and are so worn out that they can never be faded anymore.(I'm not so sure about that either.)However, since I will be parting with this Panamera soon, I wanted to give it a final clean, so I decided to give the leather seats a trial wipe today.(It's a real shame that I haven't wiped it once in the year and a half since I bought it...)
What sheet was used for this project?
I used this product to wipe the leather seats this time.SOFT99 ( SOFT99 ) Genuine leather wipe-on seatAmazon has 7 sheets for about 450 yen, and although there are only 7 sheets in the package, my husband had already used some of them, so I had to take good care of them... Also, I didn't want to make it dirty if I tried to wipe it off, so I decided to just try it on one spot for now.
What caught my attention was the stain on the driver's seat. It was the area where the denim color transfer was the most severe, and it was an area of concern that I often noticed when I took a quick look at it, so I decided to take one out and wipe it off, thinking that if this area was clean, the other areas should be clean as well.(↓↓ dirt here)
The sheet was thicker and firmer than I had expected; thinking that one sheet would be quite useful, I first lightly wiped the dirt on the driver's seat area back and forth about 10 times, and it looked like the following.
A little cleaner?(The picture is too bad to tell the difference, but I think it cleaned up pretty well)I didn't scrub hard, just wiped lightly. I didn't use any detergent or anything like that, but it was so clean! So I decided to wipe the buttocks of the seat with the same sheet. This is the first state of the sheet.
This time, light wiping did not remove much, so I wiped again a little harder and back and forth about 10 times, and this is how clean it became.
Oh...! That turned out pretty good!However, I tried wiping the backrest and other areas where the color was unexpectedly heavily stained, but still could not remove the stains. I will try another method for these areas at a later date. And here is a photo of the seat after wiping it with the leather sheet.
Super dirty.... I'm definitely not going to be able to cover the driver's seat, passenger seat, and back seat with the number of sheets I have left. I guess I'll have to buy more again and find new items to clean the leather seats. So, my family opted for the Panamera's interior vegew, but the lesson to be learned is the following.
1 Darker interior from now on.
2 Never wear denim that is likely to fade.
3 Wipe each time you get on it with something that might fade.
By the way, I followed the lesson learned and chose "black" for the interior of the new Panamera Turbo, which will be delivered in October. Actually, it would be cool if it were light gray or something. I heard that Gekiochi kun with water can remove stains from leather, so I'm going to try that soon.
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Thanks for the article on the sheet right away!
I would still change the color of the seats!
This was so helpful!
I see!
I'm kind of an amateur, but I thought I was writing a great article.
Thank you for everything!