Reviews & Test Rides

フェアレディZ NISMO(RZ34) 納車後500km走行レビュー:ポルシェ乗りが感じる真価と意外な一面

納車されたフェアレディZ NISMO。納車後500km走行したリアルな感想を、ポルシェ992型や718ケイマンTと比較しながら詳細にレビュー。高速安定性、ワインディングでの走り、そして「優等生ではない」魅力に迫る。

Manual Sticker
Porsche 911

Porsche GT Division Head Discusses the Future of Manual Transmissions

The future of manual transmissions, as told by the head of Porsche's GT division. Why does Porsche insist on manual transmissions in this age of electrification? The article explains the unexpected benefits that contribute to fuel economy and emissions, as well as the philosophy that Porsche continues to adhere to. A must-see article for Porsche drivers.