• Meido Map - Kinki

Meido Map -Kinki

Here are some of the best roads in the Kinki region.

Meido Map - Kinki

Kinki region (inc. Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama, Mie and Shiga prefectures)

(1) Sundable clink (orange)

〘Named Road Information〙
Prefecture: Sanda, Hyogo Prefecture
Cars driven: 981 Boxster GTS, 964C2, GT3 Touring
When we ran: every week, regardless of the season.
A word to the readers: You can enjoy a variety of paths on the Sundable Clink alone, including mountain passes, straight roads, and pleasant farm roads. I live in Hyogo Prefecture, so being able to drive this pleasant road from my home in about 30 minutes is a big attraction. (Hiro)

■Click here to read the article on Sundable Clink Touring.
→directional marker or indicatorhttps://www.panamera-life.com/entry/sanda-burgring/

Click here to provide information on the famous road map.