Porsche came to our house: youtube live streaming started!

Porsche came to our house.
News from the Blog

Live Streaming of Porsche Comes to My House

The year before last, we began live-streaming Porsche Came to Our House.

He started at Clubhouse and now has a twitter space where he and his wife talk about test drive reviews and our family's car life for about an hour every Saturday from 9pm.

We don't have a specific theme, but just talk for an hour about a topic related to the cars that were available that week,We often talk about off-the-record matters that we can't write about on our blog,Many of you listen to us every time.

Thank you very much.

We have been distributing almost every week since the year before last, so I guess we have distributed about 100 times already (I wish I had counted them).

Started to distribute on youtube!

And so it occurred to me last week that "In the twitter space, only people with twitter accounts can listen, so how about doing it on youtube live to try it out?The conversation turned to "What is the best way to do it?

On short notice, we decided to simultaneously stream the event that day on our twitter space and on youtube live.

Despite the last minute announcement on twitter, when we opened the lid, about 50 people listened to it, many commented on the chat, and the sound quality was better and more stable than twitter...so it was very well received.

So, starting this week, I will be broadcasting simultaneously on twitter and youtube live, and eventually consolidate to one of them (probably youtube).

This week's distribution will be on Saturday, August 19, from 9:00 p.m. If you can listen to the live stream on youtube, please subscribe to the youtue channel of Porsche Came to Our House!
→directional marker or indicatorhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoyAW0ifcnk05Iryf7-bkhg

By the way, below is last week's live webcast. Please listen to it if you would like.


Mother of three children, and the owner of the Porsche blog "A Porsche Came to Our House". Until a few years ago, I was not interested in cars at all, but when my husband bought a Porsche, I became...


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