The success philosophy of a Porsche owner: "Earn money before you talk about ideals.
Release Date: 22.03.2023

Earn money before you talk about ideals.
Today, for the first time in a long time, I would like to talk about something that has nothing to do with cars.
About a year and a half ago now, when I started my second company, I told my husband, "I want this company to be like this. I want to create a world like this.When I told him that I had been working on this project, he said something like this.
That feeling is important. But before talking about ideals and ideals, you must first make a profit.
You can talk about your philosophy and ideals as much as you want after you make money.
First of all, anyway.Making money, making sales.We need to focus on the
That is certainly true. No matter how much you talk about ideals, if they are not accompanied by sales, the company will not survive.
Her husband continued.
If you're serious about making sales.Thoroughly delight your customers.I have to think about that.
What is the customer's problem?" "Why are they having trouble, and how can we solve their problems and challenges with our know-how?"
I'm trying to think thoroughly and make a move.
Serious pursuit of increasing sales, in other words, leads to thorough consideration of how to make customers happy.
And after the sales, you can talk about your philosophy and ideals as much as you want.
At the time, I thought I certainly understood what was being said.
I wanted to make sales, I wanted to make good money, and I also thought I was actually serious about the customer in front of me.
But at the time, sales did not follow.
How can we make this service sell?"
What are our customers looking for?"
We are thinking hard and repeatedly making improvements, and we are actually putting our heart and soul into the projects we receive, but sales are not increasing as much as we would like, and referrals are not increasing.
Why is that...?
Looking back, I think the starting point for this way of thinking was different, but after about a year of such a period, I think I finally understand now the meaning of what my husband said to me at that time.
As a result of facing the prospect of making sales
Thanks to your help, we are now in a situation where we are screaming with joy as more and more referrals and projects are coming in.
I could never turn things around on my own, so I had to set up an internal structure, hire new outsourcing members, and so on... In the meantime, we were receiving projects, so I was busy dealing with them all.
I'd like to update my blog, but with work, childcare, and housework (despite the fact that I don't do such proper housework, W), I really don't have time.The fact that the first Porsche, the Carrera T, is being delivered has completely slipped my mind.It's about "a lot.
So why has the situation changed compared to a year ago?
After all, it is aMaking salesI think it's because I took the "Mere Old Man" seriously.
How can we achieve sales every month... when we think about it realistically and seriously?
There are more ways to do this!"
Let's get in touch with that guy!"
I must learn more about this service!"
and the things that needed to be done began to overflow.
Even during business negotiations, I imagine the customer's problems in front of me and seriously consider solutions as I listen to them."This is a waste here...we can solve it this way!"and began to talk more and more in the form of impromptu consulting sessions, which began to lead to orders.
As I talked about my business to various people day in and day out, I gradually became more organized in my speech and my thoughts began to take over...
As this happened, more and more relationships began to develop.
My husband said, "If we think about making sales first, it will lead to satisfied customers and sales."I am now finally experiencing the meaning of the word
Wish I had realized this earlier...!"
I am sure, though, that it is only now, with the combination of various experiences and timing, that they have realized this.
In that sense, the purchase of the Carrera T seems to have flipped an earning switch for me, so the Porsche purchase was definitely a major turning point.
The rule of pleasing each other.
My husband used to say, "This world is a battle to please.He said. He said it is a game of who pleases more people wins.
For example, in small things.Always smile," "say thank you," and "listen carefully."I think it's also a battle of pleasing and
If I can properly face the task of pleasing the people in front of me and expand my capacity to 10 people, 100 people, and so on, I will be able to raise my level of performance higher and higher.
This world is very simple. Because it is simple, it is profound.
How many rules can we discover and learn in our lifetime...
Although I am sure that most of what I know will remain unknown to me for the rest of my life, I would like to continue my work and blog for a long time so that as many people as possible will be pleased with my work.
Let's go for it!
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I always enjoy looking at your site.
I believe the saying, "Earn money before you talk about ideals," is spot on.
For example, in meetings, we often talk about things that are not feasible, so we ask ourselves, "Is that feasible? Can you convince them?" If you can't do that, it's just an idea.
I also sympathized greatly with the "battle to please" concept. When I was working overseas, there was a sense of mutual partnership in both internal and external relationships, but in Japan, there is a tendency to control from above.
This is also troubling because many people replace everything with winning and losing.
Hiro veloce
For many years, I, too, have not been able to make much money despite all the talk of ideas,
Only recently did I finally have to take one more step, one more step, to make money,
I realize that it is important to step up more and more while making this the norm....
Japan and other countries have many different backgrounds!
I'm learning a lot!
It was very interesting to hear about the battle to please.
I'll try to work with that kind of feeling too.
This is not directly related to the topic of sales ^_^;)
The last time I was in Kyoto, I found Ajari rice cakes at Kyoto station!
I bought some as souvenirs for my company and they were a big hit.
Thank you for teaching me about Ajari rice cakes ^_^)
Mr. Good.
Thank you for everything!
>I found Ajari rice cakes at Kyoto station when I was in Kyoto the other day!
I bought some as souvenirs for my company and they were a big hit.
Oh really!
I'm glad... ^^^^.
Mochi like Ajari mochi are hard to find, and that chunky texture is really delicious ^^^.