I could understand the psychology of the tunneller, who just ends up parking his car next to the car.
Published on: 09.22.2019

Tonaler and Panamera
Earlier this year, I wrote an article about tonalers. A tonaler is a "People parked their cars next to each other even though the parking lot was completely empty.The "Mere Old Man".
I thought about the psychology and countermeasures for toners encountered in parking lots.
The above article is based on the "The fact that our car was actually toned.He writes about and concludes about "I want to be a person with a big heart who can take it even when being toned down.It ends at a point called "the(Is that the conclusion?(W)I was in the middle of a conversation with a friend of mine who was a member of the group. Recently, however, I noticed something. What is it that you are trying to hide?
I've been a "toner" myself.
The first is the "I" in "I".
I usually drive aBMW 320i and sometimes Panamera.As for the 320i, I see many of them in my neighborhood, but there are very few, if any, Panameras, so I am very happy when I see one in a supermarket or in a parking lot somewhere. And.I can't help but tonalar....
The other day, I parked my car in the parking lot of a supermarket, did my shopping, and when I came out, to my surpriseThe Panamera was parked next to our Panamera!Normally, I would think, "Why bother tonaling...?" but this is one of those times.
"Oh, they went out of their way to park in a row! I'm so happy!"
He was excited and took a lot of pictures.
Then again, when I tried to park in another parking lot.I looked over and saw a Panamera, so I couldn't help but park next to it.Well, it was not a rickety parking lot, but a parking lot with not much space available.
But still, how many pictures do you line yourself up to take, you're such a toner!
Then another day, I went shopping at the supermarket in my 320i and saw a Cayenne and a Panamera parked side by side in the parking lot. This was the only time I saw a "If you'd come in a Panamera, we could have lined them up, but it would have been so close!I thought to myself, "I'm not going to be able to do that," but I was only allowed to take a picture of it.
The camaraderie of the Panamera
However, if you think about it calmly here, the act of "parking a Panamera next to aBoth sides are huge, so the risk of door punching or scraping is increased.So, it should have been unwelcome, but for some reason, "Not at all, I'm more than happy.It seems to me that the
What does this mean...?
One can't say that "theYou like people who have something in common with you or similar circumstances.It is said, "I'm a fan of XXX. For example, when you meet someone who likes the same baseball team as you, you may say, "Seriously, you are a fan of XX? I think we're going to get along well," and the distance between the two becomes closer at once, even though you don't know what kind of person they are.
I wonder if it is the same feeling that makes us get to know each other on Sunday mornings at Ashiu Driveway, even though we have never met before.
In other words.The mindset of seeing a Panamera in a city parking lot and toning it down is a feeling of camaraderie.Similar to the Panamera, the Panamera is rarely seen on the streets compared to the Cayenne and 911 among Porsche models, and I think that just seeing one of them makes me very happy.
So, when you think about it, it ends up being a
Who" is more important than "what
That's what I'm talking about.
than the tonalar act itself."Something about the cars that tonalarize.The fact that a person parks so close to the white line that the door cannot be opened greatly affects the reaction of the person who has been hit. Of course, if the car is parked so close to the white line that the door cannot be opened, or if the car is parked in a nuisance parking lot, it is out of the question.
On the other hand, when news of car accidents are reported, domestic cars, which are often seen on the streets ofAccident with a domestic carEven if reports such as thePorsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini.If the car was a luxury car, such as aPorsche has an accident!It is reported by name, as in "The
I guess the point is not "what" but "who" does it.
I know this is a bit off topic, but the Tonrar issue is(And the "drunk driving" thing...)I'm not going to think about it or discuss it forever, unless it's a big enough nuisance to warrant it.In the end, it is best to "not care and not fight".
That is exactly what theA car worthy of life's champions."(Catchphrase for the previous 970 Panamera)I am deeply impressed by the words and actions of people who are worthy of the Panamera, which is the most popular brand in the world.
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Hi Mina! I see, I totally understand! I'm a toner too when I think about it lol.
I go out of my way to park next to a luxury car in a parking lot, and if it's a Porsche, I do it even more! Just as I try to avoid door-punching, I assume that the other person will do the same... ^ ^ ^
But the other morning when I parked in the empty Senri-Chuo parking lot, as I was opening the door and putting on my tie and settling in, an elderly couple in Aqua wanted to park next to me, and they kept waiting for me to close the door! I almost snapped at them, "There's plenty of space! I was about to snap at them, but being the open-minded person that I am, I shut the door and walked away (^-^; Oh, yeah, the 981 Boxster GTS has been delivered! It's great! ( ✌︎'om')✌︎
Mr. taramangts.
Hello! Thank you for everything!
>I see, I totally understand! I'm a toner too when I think about it lol.
You too, taramangts ^^ lol! But I tend to be like that...!
>I closed the door silently and walked away;
It's wonderful! I know there are some insane people in this world, but most of them have common sense.
I want to stop on the side! I can understand why you would want to stop on the side of the road. (In fact, I do too.)
>Oh, yes, the 981 Boxster GTS has been delivered! It's great! ( ✌︎'omega')✌︎
Oooh!!! Finally !!!!! Congratulations ^^^!
It's going to be a great season, so you can run all you want. !!!!