I asked my husband, "What did you do to be able to afford a Porsche?"
Release Date: 2020.02.01

Goal of buying a Porsche
For some time now, I have sometimes told my husband, "How can I afford a Porsche?I've been blogging about it, asking the question, "What is the best way to get the most out of your time in the world?
'How can I afford a Porsche?' I asked my husband a simple question.
And when I asked again, "What did you do when you were younger to buy a Porsche?" my husbandI write down my goals for the future in a notebook about once every ten years."He told me that the
And to his surprise, the other day he found that notebook, which he wrote in his twenties, and when he looked inside, he found this.
"I bought a Porsche when I was 33."And.

The actual husband's notebook. It was written on the last page.
(Looks like Porze... and slightly different kanji.(W)In response to this, my husband
My first Porsche actually.(981 Boxster GTS)I bought a Porsche a little later, so my goal of buying a Porsche in my thirties was fulfilled, although my age was a little different. But I forgot that I wrote such a goal.
I was very happy with the result. However, my husband says that although his monthly salary at the time he wrote this goal was about 200,000 yen, it was still "a lot of money.I can afford a Porsche in the future.He had no doubt in his mind that "the "I might not be able to afford it.He said that he had never thought that he would ever be able to afford it, that he had only imagined a future where he would be able to afford it.
When I was living alone on a salary of 200,000 yen, I used to say, "I can definitely buy a Porsche in the future.I never thought I'd be able to do that.
I said, "My husband is a
I guess so.... That's what I usually think, but I didn't doubt it. When I think back, it was when I took the entrance exam for college that I started thinking like this. I had thought that it was impossible, that I was above the clouds, but being accepted into a university became a powerful success experience, and I started to think, "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.Things are not as hard as the world makes them out to be. You can do it if you put in the right effort in the right direction.From that moment on, I began to feel strongly about it.
The high school my husband attended was not the smartest school in the country, and he was near the bottom of his class and had a national deviation score of 30-40.(Well, apparently he didn't study much for three years of high school.)In the end, I failed every university I tried to enter, so after graduating from high school, I went to a prep school for a year, where the classes were so interesting and easy to understand that I began to enjoy studying.The deviation was almost double that of before, and the following year he was able to enroll in his target university.
It became a great success experience and had a great impact on my husband's future life. Incidentally, my husband had this to say about his prep school experience.
I believe I was born again, at age 19, w I've learned a lot at this age, but I've learned a lot at this age.Among other things, I'm no longer confused by "common sense" or "normal."I think.
When I was a student, I was intimidated by the brand name of difficult universities, frightened by the magnification rate, andThe "common sense" that it is reckless to aim for this university with this deviation.I was quite concerned about the
Then, as a ronin, I met a teacher at a prep school who I still consider my mentor.It is not successful people who are spreading "common sense" and "normal" in the world. Why do you listen to such unsuccessful people?I was told, "I'm not going to be a good person," and that's when my mindset changed dramatically.
He studied the thinking, philosophy, and behavior patterns of successful people. I stopped worrying about multiples, deviation scores, or anything else, and focused only on improving my academic skills and simply scoring 100 points. Then one day, he realized that he had come far above.
In no time at all, I find myself standing in a position that in the past I would have given up on as impossible and thought I was too far above the clouds to even set a goal. And when I experienced that...The sense of "common sense" or "normal" is scary. Let's live as we think from now on without being misled by these things.I thought.
I wish I had met a teacher like that. I wish I could have met a teacher like that (laughs). And it is true that when you experience a great success or an experience that changes your values in some way, be it work or personal, you believe in yourself and keep challenging yourself.
And this story once again reminded me that "To be successful, it's very important to put yourself among successful people.I realized that "the
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I understand your husband's story very well.
I'm ashamed to say that where I'm standing now, I can't even compare, but I'm also making 00 a year at 30, driving the car of my choice, going independent in my 30s, making 00 a year at 40, opening locations nationwide in my 40s, and entrusting management with 50 vehicles, while traveling to locations nationwide in the car of my choice and checking the service conditions there undercover Enjoys communicating with customers while...
I wrote a note and professed that I was going to do this (laughs).
There are numerous things that are beyond my reach, but my confidence at that time was as you said, and I think that it was because I had goals, specific images I wanted to achieve, and KPIs such as annual income that I was able to get closer to who I wanted to be, and this is how I look back on it.
And the fact that we were able to accomplish some things gives us even more confidence for the next one.
(I'm in the middle of a small setback, and I'm struggling to get back to where I want to be (^...). ^))
I am always impressed by your blog and think that Mina's energy is really great. Also, your point of view, your writing expression, and the way you spin your words are just right on target for me. I think it is because of your honest and unpretentious personality. I also share your husband's interests and tastes, and I look forward to your installations and updates.
I would love to meet and talk with you when you have a chance.
I hope you continue to enjoy writing your blog and that you continue to entertain your readers.
Thank you for everything!
mn1551mn, you wrote your goals in a notebook and even publicly stated them! That's amazing!
I always think it is the coolest way to live your one and only life, envisioning the person you want to be and living a life of greed and challenge.
Thank you also for saying that about my blog writing and my husband's hobbies.
I'm so happy I'm about to cry (laughs).
My husband always laughs at me, saying, "Mina-chan is like Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms.
I wonder if this nature is not easily fixed over time.
We are always so grateful for the support of our warm readers.
I will continue to enjoy updating this blog and will do my best to buy a Porsche by the time I turn 40.
When I was in my 20s, my mother taught me that if I had something I wanted to achieve, I should first make it visible in some form. I wrote down vague ideas such as riding a roadster, not getting hurt on a motorcycle, and marrying a nice woman.
When I look back on it in my 30s, I see that the goals in the memo were successfully accomplished, and I wonder if it was a success story made possible by the goals I set.
For some reason, I had set a very low goal for my annual income, so I would like to set a bigger goal for my next goal.
You are a wonderful mother!
I've heard it said that just by being aware of your goals and imagining them, they're already as good as fulfilled.
Once again, I realized the importance of writing things down.
>For some reason, I had set a very low goal for my annual income, so I'd like to set a bigger goal next time.
You're right! LOL!
The master was, wasn't he?
I thought on my own that he must have been the smart one since he was little.
Certainly you can't be like that unless you want to be like this.
It may be that you tell others about your goals and make them aware of them.
Writing it down in a notebook would also be a good way to raise awareness.
bamboo production
When I heard about my husband's grades in school, I laughed at him and said, "How can you get grades like that? I laughed at him.
Her husband didn't study ^^;
Life is not about what others think of you, but about what you want to do and be.
I thought of this as I read your comments.
I always read through it every morning before going to work. How are you feeling these days?
I thought I would have a Porsche someday, and after paying off the mortgage on my house, I put the same amount into a Porsche savings account every month, but I could not make the decision to purchase one.
One of the reasons was that my previous Mercedes Benz 211 wagon, an E320 CDI, was too good to be true. It had a great load capacity and the unique diesel acceleration was fantastic.
The front of the car was too heavy for mountain roads, but on highways, the Mercedes-Benz ride was truly the most comfortable and fuel-efficient.
I'll just keep this car until I die! and I think I had lost interest in cars back then (4 years ago).
At that time, I happened to enter a cabaret club at the end of the street and had the following conversation with a woman in the same room.
Female What do your customers like about cars?
I'd like a Porsche 911 someday.
Woman Which model of 911 do you want?
Me ..... It's the newest one. (I didn't get the model number right away because I was drunk and not learning Porsche at the time.)
Woman I work in the car business by day, and there are many Porsche fans like you.
Woman You think a Porsche is just a luxury car and you just want it to look good.
Women The 911 has a passionate fan base for each model, and those who purchase it for a good look are quick to let it go.
Woman That car is only valuable when it runs, so if you just want to look good and drive around Tokyo, the current Mercedes Benz is the best.
Gah! I had never been so completely outclassed by a 20-something (excuse me!) girl before in my life. I had never been so completely outclassed by a 20-something girl (excuse me!) before in my life. LOL!
But I wasn't angry, and I didn't think it was rude. I thought you were right.
After hearing her story, I vowed to follow through on my original intention, and after repeated visits to dealers and test drives, I ended up purchasing a new 991 car.
When I told this story to my wife, who was wondering why I had suddenly started going to the dealer, she laughed out loud.
If I had not met her then, I would still be driving a Mercedes, and I would not be reading this blog.
In fact, after I made the purchase, I went to the store alone because I really wanted to thank her, but she had left the store in a residual stain. Tears
Now I'm confident I could talk crap for hours and get revenge! LOL!
Masayasan (third highest of the eight hereditary titles)
Thank you for visiting our blog.
Thanks to your help, my health is gradually improving.
Lovely story.
And that lady is amazing!
And the couple's relationship is also wonderful, as they tell this story to their wives and have a good laugh about it.
Porsche is really a car that is meant to be driven.
The more you ride, the more you become hooked on its charms.
>I'm confident now that I could talk crap and revenge for hours! LOL!
Too bad lol!
So at 19 you realize that it's the average person who makes the common sense!
I am envious.
This finally dawned on me when I was over 30.
We are lucky to have realized it.
Because only a few succeed.
In other words, it is insane.
If you put this into your unconscious mind, it will change your life.
Most of our actions are unconscious.
I have been driving a 981 Spyder, starting with a 981 2.7.
kenken acid
It is true that common sense is not as reliable as one might think...
I still get bound by common sense, so I feel like I've managed to flatten my thought process by being with people who are not bound by common sense ^^;
That 981 Spyder from 981, looks absolutely fabulous!
The sound of the 981 Spyder is my favorite Porsche engine sound I've ever heard!