サラリーマンがポルシェを手に入れるための現実的戦略 – 時間給思考から脱却せよ
サラリーマン時代のポルシェへの憧れ:夢から現実へ サラリーマン時代、ポルシェを所有することは私にとって単なる夢物語だった。 約9年間IT系エンジニアと...
サラリーマン時代のポルシェへの憧れ:夢から現実へ サラリーマン時代、ポルシェを所有することは私にとって単なる夢物語だった。 約9年間IT系エンジニアと...
Hesitation about buying a Porsche I want a Porsche. I want to buy a Porsche, but I wonder if it is not suitable for me. Many people may think this way. On January 1 of this year, I...
This will be a live radio summary article of the recent Porsche in our home. If you'd like, please feel free to join us on the drive to work, to school, or in your Porsche. Also...
I've introduced the idea of being able to buy such a Porsche several times in the past on this blog and live-streaming, but I'd like to reiterate what I've been thinking lately about...
When we have a blog as a couple, we often receive messages such as, "It's nice that we can talk about cars as a couple," or "It's nice that we can share our car hobby as a couple. I'm sure...
This is a post by Nob, who I often see on X. He always has interesting posts that I can't stop looking at. The car-loving man who is considered nasty by married women. However, it is easy to...
It's been a while since I've blogged Lately, my husband and I have both been quite busy with work and have been unable to find time to blog. I have been working to further grow our company, which is now in its second year of...
What is the company's service? I have previously written an article about how I have become more aware of earning money these days. Late last year, I ordered my own first Porsche, a 911 Carrera T...
Earn before you talk about ideals. Today, for the first time in a while, I would like to talk about something that has nothing to do with cars. About a year and a half ago, when I started my second company, I told my husband, "I'm going to make this company into such and such an association...
Is it normal for men to buy the drinks? A woman's tweet on Twitter the other day got a lot of attention. Why should men pay for a date, you may say...