Kyushu Touring 2023 Day2 with Porsche Boxster GTS (981)
Kyushu Touring Day2 When I woke up this morning, it was raining. 8:00 a.m. I met Mr. Takuro at the hotel lobby in Yanagawa City to discuss today's route...
Kyushu Touring Day2 When I woke up this morning, it was raining. 8:00 a.m. I met Mr. Takuro at the hotel lobby in Yanagawa City to discuss today's route...
Kyushu Touring Day 1 This time I went touring in my beloved Porsche Boxster GTS (981) for the first time in a while. I usually do solo touring, but...
Boxster after a long time Yesterday, I drove a Boxster (981GTS) for the first time in a long time. Whenever I drive our Porsche, I always write "It's been a while...", but this time I drove the Boxster (981GTS) for the first time in a long time.
Paper Driver Wife to MT Driver I used to have no interest in cars and was a paper driver for over 10 years after getting my license. Then I married my husband and ...
Porsche Ancestry My husband was talking about this the other day. People around me buy a relatively newer model Porsche, experience it, and then switch to an older and older model, or increase...
When I couldn't drive an MT car About five years ago, I couldn't drive an MT car. I drove the Boxster GTS (981), the only MT car that was in my house at that time ...
Traveling with Boxster During spring holidays, my wife and children always go home. I was busy in March, but I've finished my work, so I'm going on a short touring for the first time in a while ...
From 981 to 718 The other day, I was talking to a Porsche owner. That person has been riding the 981 Boxster Black Edition (PDK) until recently ...
Dissatisfaction with genuine navigation Japanese specification 981 and early 991 navigation are genuine and have Clarion navigation. Originally, in the home country specification, it is called PCM in the latter half of 991 and 7 ...
Driving Boxster I felt like riding Boxster for the first time in a long time after experiencing a dead battery at the end of the year, so I decided to go on a short touring early in the new year. Go ...