I brought my actual car to Nakabayashi Industries, a car body cover manufacturer, and they made me a cover!
Published on November 13, 2018

3. Leave the car for one day and complete it the next day.
Day 1 is over!
So I had to pick up my daughter from kindergarten, so I decided to end my visit here on the first day and go home. ButIf time permits, I would like to observe some more of the work that follows.I honestly thought.
I was surprised to learn that the body covers that protect our beloved cars are made with such care, and I was eager to see the process of how they are then brought to completion.
I told Mr. Nakagawa about that.
That's right. The first measurement takes about five minutes, and some customers ask to see it for a while after that. And then they say, 'Heh! I see! But to be honest, I don't really understand why they are so surprised, since we are just going through the usual process without delay...lol.
He said.
I will start to rebuild it now, so tomorrow you will see a beautiful, perfectly fitted body cover. Please look forward to it." I was about to hand over the keys to the Panamera when he said, "Well then, please! I was about to hand him the keys to the Panamera.
Oh, you can take the keys home with you.
Mr. Nakagawa said.
What? Aren't you supposed to leave your car keys with me in these situations?" I asked.
Besides our employees, we sometimes have contractors and outsiders coming and going, so we don't leave keys with them just in case they come in. Occasionally.The buzzer sounds when the door is locked and vibrations are applied, so it's best to leave the key in the lock just in case..."Some customers are concerned, but we don't shake them up a bit, so they're fine."
He said.
I felt that they were more concerned about the handling of my car than the owner. I felt that this concern was reflected in the creation of the body cover.(But don't forget to bring the keys to your car the next day, lol.)
So we headed home in a loaner Daihatsu Move, and at 11:00 the next morning, we headed back to Nakabayashi Kogyo, excited to see what kind of work had been completed.
It was finally done!
I parked my loaner car in a parking space in front of Nakabayashi Industries and slowly opened the door...
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo finished!"
Indeed, the slight tugging and sagging that was present in yesterday's sample is gone, and the fit is improved.
In the sample from the previous day, even the wheel portion of the tire was quite visible, but in the finished product, it was well covered.
Incidentally, here is a comparison between the sample (970 model) on the first day and the finished product.
Ordinary people, including myself, would not notice much difference, but Mr. Nakagawa says it is completely different. If you look closelyBefore."looks a little tight in the hood and bumper area.after."Now, that area has been improved, and the Panamera looks somewhat more comfortable (laughs).
In addition, the mirror section is designed with a little extra room so that there is no burden even if the body cover is put on while the mirror is open.
occasionally'I'd like them to be tighter, because tight-fitting body covers are cooler looking.'However, Nakabayashi Industries, which places the highest priority on functionality to "protect your car," has been working with customers who say, "I've never seen anything like this before.I politely decline such requests.He said.
After that, I thought I was just going to take this body cover and go home, but actually I didn't...
Fabric type(I got it with raised hair!)After selecting options such as the clasp and the clasp, we will ask you to re-create it, and the first completed one will be mailed to your home at a later date.He said.(52,600 yen equivalent)
That's great!
If you want to protect your precious car
As mentioned above, our family has already been using Nakabayashi Kogyo's body covers, but my husband
After putting on the Nakabayashi Kogyo body cover," he said.The car really doesn't get dirty anymore. It hasn't flaked even in the wind and rain like the typhoon this year, and it's easy to take off and put on, light and strong!and ....The number of car washes has gone from one-fifth to one-tenth.The raised fabric is very thin and I was a little worried at first, but it does not scratch at all. I was a little worried at first because the raised hair is so thin, but it doesn't scratch my mind at all. It's well thought out. Of course the cover gets dirty, but I shudder to think of all the dirt and grit that would be on the body if it weren't for the cover, and having to wash the car every time. Basically, there is nothing better than not washing a car. It's the most damaging thing you can do."
He said.
To be honest, when I first heard that a car body cover costs 40,000 to 50,000 yen a piece, I thought, "Wow, that's expensive! I thought, "Wow, that's expensive!The price of a body cover made by hand, one by one, with such a lot of time and effort, is between 30,000 yen and 60,000 yen...on the contrary, it's too cheap!I even feel as if I am in the same situation.
Because it costs 74,000 yen just for the option of "Porsche Crest embossed on the headrests of the front and rear seats"...w
Without thinking, I asked Mr. Nakagawa, "Isn't it a little too cheap? I asked Mr. Nakagawa if the price could be raised a little more.
We are very proud of the cost-effectiveness of this quality at this price point. In fact, we haven't changed the price since five years ago...but there are still some people who say it's too expensive. That's why we want to explain the process and our philosophy so that our customers can buy our products and be satisfied with the price.
Nakabayashi Industries, a long-established manufacturer of body covers, is currently inundated with orders and has a waiting list of several months to bring in actual vehicles due to its popularity. After taking the time to observe the process, I could understand the reason for the popularity of the company's products.
Everyone who wants to take good care of their car shouldNakabayashi Industries HPWhy not take a look at the
Thank you very much, Mr. Nakagawa!
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Good evening.
I've been on a series of business trips to Osaka, Nagoya, Nagano, and Sendai.
I'm feeling a bit tired, but I'm an extreme airplane hater, so I'm not sure if an overseas business trip is the right thing for me to do.
We are quite lucky just to not have any.
I would like to ask Nakabayashi Industries to cover for me. Mecha.
I would like to visit the site if possible.
Habikino? That's a long way from Tokyo!
Unfortunately, I guess I'll have to give up on the tour.
How to support your life, Mr.
Thank you for everything!
>I've been on a series of business trips to Osaka, Nagoya, Nagano, and Sendai, and I'm feeling a little beat up.
Wow, that's a lot of distance to travel...! Amazing...!
>I would like to ask Nakabayashi Kogyo to cover it. Mecha.
By all means, the 971 Panamera Turbo Executive mold should also work, and it will really drastically reduce the number of car washes.
I highly recommend it!
Okay, well, the visit is a little difficult from Tokyo. Nakabayashi Kogyo's company is located in the south of Osaka.
It's a bit far even from Osaka city...
However, I would like you to experience firsthand President Nakagawa's extraordinary persistence and spirit of craftsmanship;