Driving a MT car is "better to get used to it than to learn it!" My failure to learn to drive a Porsche MT car.
Release date: 2022.10.22

Driving a manual transmission vehicle
The other day, he said, "I can now blip the Boxster, MT is fun!When I wrote an article called
Driving a Porsche MT car becomes many times more fun! You finally learn how to blip a MT car.
."I would love to read about what mistakes you made in the process of learning to drive a MT!I received a message from a friend who said, "I've been thinking about this for a long time, so I'd like to write about it today.
I am sure I have struggled and made many more mistakes driving a MT car than the rest of the world (laughs).
Although we did not learn to ride overnight and the technology is still in its infancy, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on it.
MT driving, failure story
Stopped in the middle of the road with hazards on.
."Be able to drive a manual transmission vehicleI was inspired by the idea of "making a new product," and I decided to make my own.Bought a BMW 320i.The day after the car was delivered. On the way home from dropping my daughter off at kindergarten, I was unable to start at a stoplight and had to stop with the hazard on.
Looking back, I'm sorry to say that this is really annoying... but the more I rushed, the more it stalled and I couldn't start the car at all."If we don't do something about it, it's going to be a red light...!I quickly put out the hazard," he said.
I was so nervous that I was breaking out in a cold sweat and my heart was beating fast, so after all the following cars passed me, I started off slowly, pulled over to the shoulder for now, calmed myself down, and managed to drive home at a leisurely pace.
The car following me at that time was very warm and did not honk its horn at all, and since then I, too, have been told that even if a car does not start easily at a green light, "Maybe it's because I'm not used to driving a manual transmission that I can't start the car...!And I'm starting to look at it with a warmer eye. w
Ran with the side brake depressed.
My BMW 320i had a manually operated side brake, and at one point I said, "What's wrong? I'm connected normally, but I can't get any speed at all and it's not going well...There was a time when "the
I got scared and pulled over to the shoulder of the road to check, only to find that I had left the side brake on...!
Probably.There should have been a warning light around the meter, but I was so nervous that I didn't see any such thing.
I was glad I noticed it early, but if I had continued driving, I might have been in serious trouble.
I started off too slow and was overtaken.
When I first started driving a manual transmission car, I was...I was really concerned about starting from a stop.I had to start off with all my consciousness focused on not stalling the car and getting it safely underway.
At one point, however, just as we were starting off safely and making a bit of progress, we were violently overtaken by a Lexus that was running behind us.
I remember being somewhat shocked in many ways when I quickly looked to the side and saw an elderly man glaring at me and running past me.
I've been given the right of way, but I can't start the car.
While I could handle starting from a stoplight because I could prepare myself in advance, it was difficult in situations where I had to start on the spur of the moment.
For example, I've been waiting to make a right turn, and a kind person would give me the right of way, butIt takes a lot of time in the end because it doesn't start properly at a moment's notice.This was often the case in the beginning.
At that time"Thank you, but you don't have to be so nice...!" or "Please don't let a car come up behind me..."And I was driving with a prayer, w
3rd to 4th gear, but went to 2nd gear.
When you are somewhat accustomed to launching, "You put your car in 2nd gear when you meant to go from 3rd to 4th.It was often the case that "the
I thought I had put it in 4th gear, but suddenly it said, "sneezeand the RPM's rise to "What? ! Why!I looked at my hand impatiently and saw that I was in second gear.
Also, when you are in 4th gear, "Huh? Was this a 6-speed... how was it...I often lost track of it for a moment, saying "I don't know...". (I guess I have a bad memory...)
Put in neutral and start uphill
This was after I had become a little accustomed to the area, but at a significant incline just before the exit of the parking lot, the security guard instructed me to stop.
It seemed that I could not start the car unless the light ahead turned green, so I put it in neutral for a while and waited for it to start.I once forgot to put in my gear and just zipped down the slope.
I panicked and slammed on the brakes, which saved the day.I'm so glad there was no car behind me....I thought.
Also, this is not a big deal, but when I parked in a parking lot with a slight incline, I put the shift lever in R (back), parked the car, and when I came back to do my business and started the engine, I completely forgot that I had put the car in R gear and took my foot off the clutch, causing the engine to start up.(with a) slamming noise (door, telephone receiver)I had a couple of times where the car would stall.
practice makes perfect (implying that it is better to learn from personal experience than from an instructor)
I've made all kinds of mistakes.If you ride every day for a week, you will get used to basic operations faster than you think.The company was able to
I didn't improve at all in those years because I only practiced MT driving once every few months for 3 years after I got my AT license lifted...
After all, driving a manual transmission vehicle is apractice makes perfect (implying that it is better to learn from personal experience than from an instructor)I really think it is.
Also, since I started driving a manual transmission vehicle, I am a safer driver than I used to be.
I had to downshift and slow down myself.What the traffic lights are like two streets away, and whether pedestrians or cars are coming out of the side of the road.I became very conscious of the fact that I was driving.
I am now able to drive any manual car to some extent (when I was allowed to drive a 964 MT, I was happy that the car did not stall from start to finish), but I would like to experience various manual cars in the future.
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Thanks for the write-up on your failures!
I almost experienced the same mistake 4 weeks after my first MT car (Porsche 981 Spyder) was delivered lol.
One particularly bad mistake I made was stalling in the middle of the applause aisle during the delivery ceremony...which stopped the applause.
The cause of the problem was that I was starting in third gear, and continued to start in third gear even after I reached the national highway, and eventually a strange smell came out of the engine, which made me pale.
After finally realizing that first gear is slightly to the left, I was at a loss for an hour in the parking lot because I could not figure out how to put the car in reverse gear.
The hubby told me that the reverse gear on the Porsche needed to be put in very hard left, and I finally parked it!
I learned a lot about driving on youtube before delivery, but I also feel it is important to study the mistakes and their causes.
My current problem is starting in first gear. I have to slow down the starting speed considerably to connect the gears, how can I start the car smoothly?
It was so nice to run into you today!
Thank you!
My son is very happy, and I'm sorry for touching so many things ^^;
Driving the MT with all the staff members seeing me off when I took delivery of the car was...
Just the thought of it makes me nervous.
Indeed, it is difficult to sense what gear you are in.
R also has to be very vigorous. And you have to knock it down....
>My current problem is starting in first gear. I have to slow down the starting speed considerably to connect the gears, how can I start the car smoothly?
Once I got used to operating the clutch, it was easier for me to start off.
If the accelerator pedal is not too aggressive, but the car can start smoothly when the semi-cylinder is in good condition, it is possible to start the car smoothly.
I think that by increasing my awareness of the clutch rather than the gas pedal, I was able to get a feel for it.
I enjoyed (!?) reading this article too! Thank you for reading it!
Mina, please don't worry. I'm sure all of this has been experienced by most of you!
I was almost a MT for almost 20 years until I drove a PDK in a Porsche, and I've experienced most of it, lol.
I had a particularly difficult time with my first car (first generation Subaru Forester Stb) because of its high power and clutch quirks.
But as the title says, "Better get used to it than learn it! And so, I think I was able to overcome this problem by running long distances anyway.
I'm a sucker for PDK at the moment, but I'm thinking "no roof, MT, left hand drive" for my second Porsche, so I guess I'm getting hungry for driving while choosing my own favorite gear!
Thank you!
>Mina, don't worry. I'm sure all of this has been experienced by most of you!
I see!
I am relieved (laughs).
I was really thinking how stupid I am...and I was driving...lol
Both PDK and MT are fun, so it's a tough call.
When I used to drive a Cayenne, I used to think, "PDK is easy and fun and good enough."
I sometimes wish I could drive a manual transmission car;
I'm looking forward to your second Porsche, lol!
Is a Porsche different from a regular manual car?
I have been driving for about half of my driving career and still do, but what you are spelling out? I am still a manual car driver.
In terms of clutch weight, was the Runkle 40 pretty heavy too....
This article is not about Porsche's MT cars.
I am writing about my mistakes when I was a MT beginner (mainly BMW 320i).
I always enjoy reading your articles.
> 一度に6時間とか長時間乗ると早く慣れる気はしますね。