We interviewed KUGATTI, a college student car photographer who has been taking pictures of cars for seven years!
Published Date: 07.03.2019

Yuki RikuiThree Profiles(Age 21)
Fourth-year university student living in Kobe City. He has been a big car enthusiast since he was a child, and by the time he was a junior in high school, he started taking pictures of sports cars and super cars he saw on the street. The beauty of his photographs, which bring out the best of a car's appeal, has attracted a lot of attention, and he is now a member of theRequests to photograph their cars come in not only from Kansai but also from owners in Tokyo.By.
Currently, he is a popular car photographer with an increasing number of offers from companies for photo shoots, and is sought after in various fields. He has over 7,500 followers on Instagram.
*twitter: @twitter@V12_SCL
*Photography requests should be sent to this email:.kugatti.photo@gmail.com
1) Photographing your favorite car
Let's take a peek into Mr. Rikui's daily life.
What is Rikui-san's daily life like?
On weekdays, I lead a perfectly normal student life, working part-time and attending classes at the university. Of course, I am not aWhenever he receives a request for a photo shoot, he changes his schedule and goes to the shoot, even on a weekday.Yes.
On weekends, I would take pictures of cars in front of Kobe Daimaru andOn Sunday mornings, I went to Ashiu Driveway, as I do every week, toI am allowed to take pictures of the cars of the owners who are taking care of us and everyone who comes to the observatory.
Although I am now taking more and more photographs by request, I originally started out as aAsk the owner of a car you find on the street if you can take his/her picture. and take their picture.It started with the so-called "car spotter" called
Each car has a different design, and isn't it very difficult to photograph each of them beautifully?
Well...depending on how you take pictures, the atmosphere of the same car can change a lot. In my case, I use the "For now, take pictures from various angles and sort them out later.I guess it's something like "I don't know.
If it is a rare car that we rarely see, we will take quite a few pictures, but otherwise we usually take about 10 pictures.
How much time do you spend processing photos?
As for processing photos, some can be done in 5 minutes, while others take an hour or so if you notice. I'm the type of person who works by intuition, so if I get lost in the process, it doesn't turn out well. I get more and more stuck in a ditch...
So as far as processing is concerned.Value intuition over taking time.The company is doing so.
Your pen name, why did you choose "KUGATTI"?
When I was in middle school.They called me "Kuguchi" at the school.and if you romanize it, you'll get "BUGATTII wanted to make it look like a car manufacturer, if I could (laughs).
Also, my memory is already a little fuzzy, but there was a time when I used "KUGANI" or something like that before I changed it to KUGATTI. It became "Y.KUGATTI" and then simply "Y.KUGATTI.KUGATTI. It is now in the "Mere Old Man".
Also, as for the origin of the twitter and Instagram ID "V12_SCL".I loved the V12 car." and that "the initial Twitter IDs were@SuperCarsLOVEThe first letter of the word was "SCL".
The reason I chose the "V12_SCL" sequence is partly because I saw a similar license plate in the UK and admired it.
You live in Kobe, and you even go to Tokyo for filming...?
Yes, I know. I once had an acquaintance of the owner of a "Can you come to Tokyo tonight to take pictures of my car?I once took a day off from my part-time job to go and shoot a film.
It's always been a "must do" for me.As soon as the opportunity presents itself, grab it!I am aware of this, so even then, without hesitation, I immediately replied, "I'll go! I replied.
If we hesitate there and lose that opportunity, I think we will definitely regret it later. That is why I always say to myself, "I am going to do it.No matter what, the car is priority number one!I spend my time at the "Mere Old Man".
I really, really like cars (laughs).
It's amazing how the relationship with the owner continued after that!
It's gratifying, isn't it? I can take a picture of a car I love, process and edit it the way I want, and if I can get your contact information, I can send it to the owner and upload it on Instagram...
I only do the most ordinary things, but I am very happy to make people happy by doing so. I was once in the care of an owner who was
Kuguchi's photos are worth it. He is one of the few Japanese who can take captivating photographs."
I was very happy and at the same time, I was very happy to hear him say, "Not content with this, let's keep going further!I thought, "I'm not going to be able to do that.
Commitment to Car Photography
What do you think is so great about the photos you take?
I honestly don't really know what I'm doing, because I just like to shoot (laughs)... butI love cars with all my heart, and I really enjoy photographing cars.So I wonder if that feeling is reflected in the photos.
I started taking pictures of cars when I was in the third grade of junior high school, but of course I didn't start out well. In the beginning, I was just like, "I'm not going to take a picture of a car.Simply document cool cars.I was taking pictures with a normal smartphone because I had the feeling that I was like "I'm not a good photographer.
(*Photographs from the very beginning, when Mr. Rikui was in the third grade of junior high school)
But gradually, "theIf I'm going to go to the trouble of taking pictures, I want to leave them in a cool way.I began to think, "I'm not sure I can do this.
To date, the condenser(Compact digital camera)I also bought an SLR camera twice, but I shot with it until I ran out of use. After that, I borrowed an SLR camera from a friend, and when I got used to using it, I took the plunge and bought my own SLR, and a year and a half later I bought another new SLR, which I use now.
I can't even begin to count the number of photos I have taken.During events, I take 1,000 to 2,000 pictures at a time.So I am sure that I have taken hundreds of thousands or millions of pictures...I don't know, but I think I have taken a lot of pictures (laughs).
Perhaps it is that after seven years of taking a vast amount of photos, I have gradually come to grasp the key to taking cool photos of cars.(↓ By the way, comparing the past and the present, the quality of Mr. Rikui's photos has improved so much.)
Case1(↑Once upon a time, now ↓)
Case2(↑Once upon a time, now ↓)
What is it that stirs you so much to take pictures of cars?
It's simply that I love cars... (laughs) But it's not so much that I want to take good pictures.I want to see nice cars.The feeling of "I'm not a good person," is more important.
I've got a nice car in front of me, and I'm like, "Wow so cool!I really enjoy taking cool pictures of those cars, thinking, "What's the point of this car?
Do you prefer taking pictures or actually driving?
Hmmm...difficult. That's a totally different thing, so I can't compare them~. But in the future...
Buy the car you like, drive it yourself, go to your favorite photo spot, and take pictures of your car to your heart's content.
My dream is to be able to do a series of things like that all by myself (laughs).
(2) Road to becoming a car photographer
Loved cars since childhood.
Did you become a car enthusiast because someone in your family liked cars?
No, that's the thing.No car enthusiasts in the family.(laughs) But I think most boys when they are little like cars and vehicles, and I was the same way.
From an early age.Vehicles such as trucks, trains, and carsI was very interested in the "cool" cars. However, I rarely had a chance to see cool cars in person, and I didn't know where to go to see them.
So, when I started competing against my friends in car races in video games, I learned that there are various sports cars and supercars in the world, which spurred my love of cars.
Later, I had the opportunity to see a supercar with my own eyes, in person, for the first time. It was in Kobe, Japan.Orange Lamborghini MurcielagoI think it was...it was already very shocking.
Naturally, the sound was totally different and more powerful than in a game, and I was so excited to see the car moving from my own perspective that I was completely hooked on cars from that point on.
What do your parents say about Mr. Rikui's "love of cars"?
Ummm...I think I'm slightly stunned (laughs)...I've always been a bit of a "Study up.When I was told, "I'm not a good student," I immediately went out to take pictures of the car, not even bothering to study.Nothing you can say will stop this girl.I think you're thinking, "What's the point of this?
But the other day I asked my parents what they thought about the hobby I'm doing now.I guess when you take it to the extreme, you meet a lot of people!He said. I guess he approves a little bit (laughs).
Where were you taking pictures of cars when you were in ninth grade?
Go to Midosuji in Osaka and shoot.I used to take pictures of supercars at famous spots along Midosuji Street. There used to be a famous spot on Midosuji where supercars used to park, and I used to take pictures there often, but now police guidance has become stricter and supercars are rarely seen anymore.
I was shooting for what I call a car spotter, but I personallyTaking pictures without the owner's permission or putting them on social media without hiding the license plate or your face was not right at the time!There was a
After all, as long as I am allowed to take pictures of your precious carI'll give the owner a shout."Erase your license plate and your face and put it on social media.I had a strong desire at the time to have at least a minimum level of good manners, such as "I'm a good person, I'm a good person, I'm a good person.
Seize opportunities on your own.
When did you start getting requests to "take pictures"?
It was actually only recently, about two years ago, that I began to receive such requests. The first time I was asked to do a full-fledged photo shoot was at a car tuning store in Osaka.I need you to take pictures to post on a used car sales website.They asked me to do it.
For about three years, I have been visiting a store that handles a custom manufacturer that I like, taking pictures of the cars there, and sending them back to the store at a later date.
I was just doing it because I liked it, but after a few times, I was officially asked to do it.I was a very good person and I was very happy. As I worked steadily and steadily, I gradually began to receive many opportunities, and here I am today.
Is there still a difference between taking pictures as a hobby and taking pictures for a commission?
Well...as for the photos that we are commissioned to take.Always take a picture of this composition.I try to shoot them well first of all, being aware of the fact that "the
When I was taking pictures of cars just for the love of it, I was so excited that I didn't think about it, so when I looked back at them later, I thought, "Hey, why did I take these pictures?On the other hand, why didn't they shoot it at that angle?There were quite a few things to reflect on," he said.
On the other hand, when I am commissioned to take photographs, that is not good enough, so I am conscious of taking photographs to ensure that there are no omissions.
What is the composition that must be taken no matter which car?
The absolute best way to take a picture of any car is to say "diagonally oppositeThis photo is taken from the "left" side. The front part of the body is clearly visible and the horizontal body line can be seen, and I think this is a composition that is most often seen on the street without any sense of discomfort.
(Above is a photo from a London photo tour event)
The rest.diagonally backI also make sure to take pictures. After all, since I switched to a camera with a better lens, I am able to take more beautiful pictures.
How about interacting with successful luxury car owners at a young age?
Yes...it is interesting. I don't know if I'll ever be one, though.So much to learn from successful people in life.Yes, there is.
However, I just wanted to say to all of you, "car buffWe are connected by the common denominator of "the car," so we usually only talk about cars... So, even though we have met many times, "I'm not sure how many times I'm going to be able to meet you.What kind of work do you do?I actually don't know anything about things like that (laughs).
Aren't you nervous to ask these people to let you take a picture of their car?
I was nervous at first.I met someone at Ashiu Driveway 3 years ago, and I am still a weekly visitor to Ashiu, but I first found out about him through Instagram.
And to those who are friends with him, "Could you please introduce me when you visit Ashi Ari?I asked him to introduce me to the company, and he did so.
When I first met him, he had a very strong aura...he had an aura of not being ordinary, of not being able to get away from people, and it was very scary (laughs).
But when I actually talked to him, he was very friendly and nice.I need another photo of my car.I asked him to help me with my car, and now I visit him at his home to take pictures of his car, and sometimes I even get to drive his precious car.
You're moving on your own and taking chances!
Well...you are certainly acting on your own. "Action.I think it is really important.
For example, the "I told you at the beginning of this article.I need you to film tonight in Tokyo.The first time I met the person who said, "I'm so happy to meet you.I'm in Tokyo right now, and I was wondering if I could take a picture of your car if you don't mind.and started with a DM on Instagram.
I was insanely nervous and it took a lot of courage when I first sent the DM, but there it was, "OK!and the connection grew.
Of course, there are those who say, "Photos of my car are not allowed."Is this person OK? Is this person NG?As I came into contact with more and more people, I gradually began to get a firsthand sense of what it means to be a "good" person.
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There are all kinds of special people here~(*_*)
488spider Color, black roof, caliper color
Even the use of carbon is very similar (sweat).
cara acid
Hello! There are so many sports cars and supercars that are made to your particular specifications, and it's fun just to look at them.
>488spider Color, black roof, caliper color
>Even the use of carbon is very similar (sweat).
Hey, that picture, could it be you, CARA... (laughs)!
Oh, by the way, I met a McLaren owner at Ashiyu Driveway the other day who says he knows cara-san!