Two important things a husband who wants to drive a sports car should be aware of before trying to convince his wife.
Published on: 2021.05.17

To all the husbands who want a sports car.
The other day, when I was gathering a lot of information online about car life, I found aHow does a man with a wife and children convince his wife that he wants to buy a sports car?I saw several articles that said
There were quite a few people asking this question on yahoochiebukuro before, and I thought, "I see... there are quite a few husbands in the world who have this kind of problem," but in fact, this blogHusbands persuade their wives when purchasing a car, and how to "capture their wives."and the articles are always highly accessed.
And if you look at the article "How a Husband Persuaded His Wife"
...and actively helped with household chores even on his days off.
I quit smoking and drinking.
... I stopped wasting money. give a gift to his wife.
etc... I could feel that everyone was struggling in many ways.
If you want to buy a sports car, make more money.
Then she told her husband, "I guess husbands around the world work pretty hard to buy sports cars.When I told him, "I'm not sure what you're talking about," my husband had this to say.
Sure, I think it's important to save money and do what you can under the current circumstances, but the only options we have in common are 'saving money' and 'getting in a good mood'. Why do you say, "Earn a little more than you do now.I wonder if it doesn't come down to the thought, "I'm not sure I want to do this.
I think it would be easier for your wife to give you the OK if you make more money and bring home more money. That would be the fastest way.
If the husband earns more money, he can hire a housekeeping service or a babysitter, and the wife will be happy because she will be able to do more work and have more time for herself.
If that happens, my husband will not say anything even if he likes it a least that's what I see around me.
I'm sure that's true. The world is a "Money is everything.It's not a "yes" thing, but money is crazy important because living in a marriage is often not a pretty thing.
As a wife, it's out of the question that my husband's buying a sports car would interfere with my life, if not hinder it.That reduces the amount of money I can spend for myself and my children, and I have to put up with something.I still don't like the idea of
Once you experience that kind of experience, you will have a bad image of the sports car itself, and the next thing you know, you'll be saying, "I'm not a sports car guy.I'll buy another sports car.I'm sure that if someone said to me, "I'm not going to do it," I would be very much against it.
Also, I was looking at an article on the internet and thought.He used to take the lead in housework and childcare until we bought a sports car, but once we bought it, he stopped doing anything.It would be quite tricky....
Of course, if those things become a habit and you can do them without any particular difficulty, that's totally fine. But marriage is a long time, so if you are forcing yourself to do it, it will become stressful and one day it won't work out.
So, it seems to me that in the long run, it is better to focus on what "I can keep doing this and it will be a win-win for me and those around me.
Although "It's not easy to actually make money, but it's not like your paycheck is going to go up immediately.I said, "My husband
Sure, it's hard to say right away, and people might say, "Not if you're an independent person, but if you're a salaried worker, it's impossible.
But, that doesn't mean you should think only about saving and floating money. It is.It's like implicitly telling your unconscious that you can't make any more money.I'm not going to be able to do that. That's not going to increase my income at that point.
There's more than one way to make money.In addition to "I work to earn money," "I ask people and things to work for me" and "I ask money to work for me."So there is also a way to do this, right?
He earned advertising revenue from his blog, "TheLet things work for you.You could increase your income, or instead of saving money every month, you could put that money into investments. I think there are many ways to earn money to supplement the family budget in today's Internet age.
And yet, "I work (at a company, etc.) and earn money.I feel like a lot of people are too caught up in the "what if" thing. So I think it's important to change that mindset first. I would like to say to the fathers of the world, "Don't turn your eyes away from earning money.
He said.
I'll have my wife drive a sports car.
My husband went on to say this.
You say that many wives are against buying a sports car.So has this wife ever driven a sports car?I don't think most of us have ever been on one.
When you drive a sports car, you will experience how good it feels and how different it is from a passenger car. AlsoIt's important to have them drive, not just ride in the passenger seat.I guess.Some people put their wives or girlfriends in the passenger seat to help them understand sports cars, but that's rather counterproductive.. It is not uncommon for women to understand sports cars after being put in a cramped, uncomfortable car.
We went for a test drive together to a dealership or other location, drove the car, and then said, "You know what?I still don't like it.If you say, "I can still understand the story.
But I also wonder why so many of the wives of the world are so headstrong in their opposition to something they have not experienced themselves.
Well, that's for sure.... Even in the case of me, who had been a paper driver for a long time and had no interest in cars, my interest in cars was sparked when my husband let me drive the SLK350 he was driving at the time.
."It's nothing like my parents' car...!I was surprised and could not believe that I, who was always on edge and could only drive slowly in the left lane of the highway, was driving in the right lane of the highway without worry.

Mercedes-Benz SLK
I'm sure you might say, "Even so, taking your wife, who has no interest in cars, to the dealership for a test drive is quite a hurdle."...but I think it's still worth the effort.
Because "one eye-witness is better than many hearsaysBecause it is."(At first glance, or one drive...)
No matter how much my husband talks about the merits of cars, it bores me to hear him talk about things I have no interest in over and over again, and I think the more I talk about cars, the more he hates me.
But when you actually see a shiny sports car with your own eyes, you can see how cool it is, and when you drive it, you can feel how great it is, so if you want to buy a sports car, it would be easier to talk about it if your wife can drive it at least once...
I am sure there are as many correct answers as there are families, and what I have written here is just an example of our family... but I would be happy if it could be of any help to anyone.
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I think your husband is right.
If you want to get on board, "Don't be a bitch about it, earn it!" Right.
Oh, these are mumblings to myself.
I don't think it's enough to just save money on maintenance, etc., and
I could buy a car, but then drive, etc., to the place I'm going, and do nothing! Patience! I don't think it's fun to just go home.
I am sure all the car lovers in the world, if they had plenty, their wives would say, "Hmmm, buy one!" I'm sure your wives would say, "Hmm, buy one!
I have already said publicly to my wife, "I'll buy a Porsche!" I have already said so publicly.
Almost there! Let's go for it!
Kaz 3
Thank you!
Certainly, when you think about maintenance costs after you buy a car, it's not something you can save and buy before you buy it...
I was reminded that earning money is important.
>"I'll buy a Porsche," I've already said to my wife. I have already said so publicly.
Oh, that's wonderful ^^^!
I, for one, will work my way up to being able to buy myself a Porsche!
Thank you very much.
You are right, sir.
Well, I had been driving a narrow before I got married, so that made it easier (^-^;
My current 930 has 260,000 km, and I have 120,000 km to go until I reach the moon, which is 380,000 km away.
I'll have to work harder for maintenance, lol.
Hiroppon ∞☆3
Thank you for everything!
>My current 930 has 260,000 km, and I have 120,000 km to go until I reach the moon, which is 380,000 km away.
It's really amazing...!
It's amazing that you can run that far and that Porsche can still run even after running that far...!