What is the Porsche Cayenne E-Hybrid's actual fuel economy?
Release Date: 2020.12.18

Cayenne E-Hybrid, 3 months after delivery
Lately I have been driving the Cayenne E-Hybrid for most of my trips, mostly to pick up my children and to go shopping in the neighborhood, so the battery power is sufficient for my needs.I realized that I haven't put any gas in the tank for the past two months.The gasoline memory is only down about 2.5 ticks.
The reason for this decrease in gasoline is that my husband sometimes drives the Cayenne down the Ashiu Driveway.
Cayenne needs to be driven with the engine running like this once in a while.When I drove through Ashiu today, I saw a lot of steam coming out of the muffler. I guess the engine only runs once in a while.Even if it does, it will stop immediately before the engine is completely warmed up, so the condensation will cause water to build up inside the engine and in the oil and other parts of the engine.I wonder if I'm going to be able to do it.
and so on.
At this rate, I may not need to put gas in the car until spring.... But I guess it would be better to use gasoline by driving long distances once in a while.
So today.How does the Cayenne E-Hybrid actually compare to the fuel economy and E-mileage values in the catalog?I would like to write about
Cayenne E-Hybrid charging environment
First of all, let me describe the charging environment in our home.Our parking lot has 100V household power.This is how the battery is recharged.
However, the Cayenne's 100V power cord is a 3-pin grounded outlet, so it cannot be plugged into a 2-pin outlet as it is. Therefore, an adapter to convert from 3-pin to 2-pin is used to plug it into the outlet, and the ground wire is connected to a grounding rod buried in the ground.
By the way.From a nearly empty battery to a fully charged battery takes about 18 hours at 100V.It takes a while. However, since the batteries are not used in such a way that they are empty every day, most days they are fully charged in a few hours. Therefore, in reality, 100V is not a problem.(In addition, with 200V, it takes about 6 hours to fully charge the battery.)
How long can the Cayenne E-Hybrid run on electricity alone?
Next, let's talk about the Cayenne's e-drive. On the site.
The Cayenne E-Hybrid's battery range is 42 km to 44 km, depending on the tires installed, and it can accelerate up to 135 km/h.
It is written that, in the case of our familyE possible driving distance with a full battery is around 28km to 30km each time.Indication. Well, almost neighborhood every time.(2-3 km round trip)I only run for a few miles, so if I could run 30 km, it would be enough.
The Cayenne E-Hybrid's driving modes includeE-Power (priority is given to driving with the electric motor), Hybrid Auto (most efficient electric driving to reduce fuel consumption), Sport, and Sport Plus.There are four modes, but the E-power mode is the default setting when the engine is started.
By the way, I almost always drive in E-power mode, as I don't take the Cayenne on long trips or drive in Ashi.
My husband, when he goes to work.It is about 25 to 26 km one way to the office in Osaka City, and about 70% of the way is Hanshin Expressway.The number of cars is about 1001. That would allow a one-way trip with only 100% electricity.
Also, when the weather is good, such as in the fall, they have about 20% of electricity left over when they arrive. However, in winter, the heating system is turned on.It seems to use a lot of electricity to heat the house, and these days the battery charge is almost empty by the time I arrive at the office.He said.
Still, it would mean that a distance of around 25 kilometers could be driven using only electricity.
Naturally, the gasoline consumption is zero, and the electricity cost is 3.6 km/kWh, which, incidentally, is about 27 yen per kwh for a typical household.As for the cost, I'm able to commute to work for about $97 each way.This will be the case.
Next → What if I drive the Cayenne E-Hybrid in hybrid auto mode for a long distance? |
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>In the case of my family, the possible E-mileage with a full battery is around 28km to 30km each time.
The 970 Panamera, which is one generation older than the 970 Panamera, also has about the same ratio to the catalog value, and often shows 18 to 20 km with the battery fully charged. In reality, the distance is a little longer due to regenerative braking during driving, so I have the impression that it runs a little longer than the distance indicated on the screen.
I first noticed in the picture that the design of the charger was new and different from the one I have.
There are icons for house, car, and charger, does switching between these change any of the functions?
The Panamera's motoring is pleasant, so we test drove Honda's PHEV Clarity and Audi's EV e-tron.
Both were quiet, but there was something missing, so they were not candidates for future purchase.
I have heard that it is difficult to differentiate cars when it comes to EVs, but I didn't think that was the case at all.
Mr. Ishi.
Thanks for all your help!
>It's roughly just under 70% in the catalog description.
I see... so roughly every car is listed at just under 70% of its catalog value!
My family also drives on highways and ashi, so I wonder if that reduces the range of the car.
>I see icons for house, car, and charger, does switching between them change any of the functions?
Thank you! I read the manual and it seems to be an indicator of charging errors and status.
Green, yellow, or red lights seem to come on depending on the error, such as "not charged," or "plug overheated."
>I test drove Honda's PHEV Clarity and Audi's EV e-tron.
I see! I knew that each EV car made by each manufacturer would have its own distinct personality!
More and more, I am looking forward to Porsche's upcoming EV and hybrid models!