Driving a Porsche MT car becomes many times more fun! You finally learn how to blip a MT car.
Release date: 2022.10.16

Boxster after a long time
Yesterday I drove my Boxster (981GTS) for the first time in a while.Every time I ride in our Porsche, I say to myself, "It's been a while...I have been writing about the Boxster for a long time, so long that I cannot remember when I drove it last time.
Usually I'm the one whoMy car, Swift Sport (MT)on the
It's been a year since I took delivery of the car, and I drive it almost every day.Can you show the results of your MT driving practice here...!I was a little excited about the drive.
I love and enjoy driving my Swissport, but the 981 Boxster GTS was amazing!
It is a car that combines fun and comfort beyond imagination.This was once again a clear indication of the importance of the project.
On the other hand, the ride was much smoother and more supple than before.
Let's say that the Boxster has grown up to be not only naughty but also mature....
My mother-in-law, who had been on a spa trip with her husband in the Boxster just before, came home and said, "This Porsche was so comfortable to ride in.He was pleased with the "comfort" of the car, and indeed, the smoothness of the ride felt the same whether he was in the driver's seat or the passenger seat, and he felt that the car was comfortable and did not tire him out no matter how long he rode in it.
First time blipping by myself
But the best part of this Boxster drive was.Being able to blip on my own and experiencing that feeling for the first time.It is.
The modern Porsche is aIt is not recommended for drivers to blip by themselves on public roads, and the position of the pedal is also slightly difficult to blip. Heel-and-toe is not recommended correctly and pedal placement is not. I had heard this before, but for the ride I took yesterday, it did not feel that way at all.
Boxster, which I had such a hard time with.I am deeply moved when I think back to the day when I could drive the "Mere Old Man" like this.
A year ago, when I first started riding Swisspo, my husband told me that
I think you should practice every day so you can blip yourself.
They said.
At that time, the "Oh, I can't do it! I can't do it!I thought, "I'm going to try it out," but when I tried it out and practiced, it didn't go as well as I had expected: at first, the shift shock came with a bang, and conversely, there was too little stirrups and I ended up connecting with a half-crab.
But with daily practice, I gradually got used to it and now I can blip happily.
As I thought.Better to learn by doing than by being taught."I really think it is a good idea.
It was a great feeling when I was able to blip the Boxster by myself, and it was a real pleasure to be able to do it.For the first time, I experienced the sensation of driving with the Boxster in my own timing and with my own hands.
Of course, if you let the auto-blipping (in the case of the 981GTS, auto-blipping ON in Sport Plus) do the blipping, it blips many times better than you can do it yourself, which is pleasant.
On the other hand, however, there remains some sense that someone other than oneself is operating the system.
In that sense.The ability to blip by yourself amplifies the fun of driving a MT car many times over.I had a feeling.
."Oh no, it's so much fun! I don't think I'll ever go back to autoblipping... it's that much fun!My husband was calling out "I'm sorry," and I was calling out "I'm sorry.
Of course, of course, autoblipping is smart and all that.I also put it in sport mode (in the case of the 981GTS, autoblipping is not turned on in sport mode) when I drive on Ashi Ari or pleasant roads, andI'll try to do the blipping myself.
The feeling you get when the timing is just right...it's hard to put into words.
You've got a natural scowl on your face.
He said.
When I was finally able to drive a MT Boxster before, I wrote a blog post titledRelying on auto-blipping to run.I wrote an article titled "The Then, in the comments, I wrote, "It's more fun when you can blip it yourself!I once received a content that said.
At that time, "No, I understand... but that is absolutely impossible for me right now.There was a time when I had half given up on the idea of going back to the hotel, but... on this particular day, I thought, "I'm not going to go back to the hotel.I'm glad I've never given up and kept practicing my MT driving skills.I thought from the bottom of my heart.
The world of cars is deep.
I'm sure there are still fun and interesting things lying dormant that I don't know about.
As I open the doors one by one, I feel more and more swamped... (laughs), but for now, I want to go as far as I can, at my own pace.
And when my children are older, my dream is to go driving on famous roads with my husband and this Boxster.
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Congratulations on learning blipping.
I am just jealous.
This time the writing was vigorous, conveying joy.
foolhardy person
Thank you!
It took me a long time, but I'm glad I finally mastered it!
Thank you for your continued support!
Hello Mina and Hiro.
It looks like you have discovered the joys of blipping!
I am very happy to see that he is steadily climbing up the stairs to the top. I am very happy to see that you are steadily climbing up the stairs.
I also used the Sport Plus autoblipping at the beginning because it was a bit of a novelty, but I ended up using the Sport mode.
I've started to use it a lot. It is not as good as Sport Plus, but it still gives you a sense of control (this is important!!!). Sport mode has a sense of control (this is important!).
are finding it enjoyable.
Above all, the topic of this article is my dream that when my children are older, my husband and I will take this Boxster for a ride on the famous roads together.
This was the part.
When did you come to have such a wonderful dream~~ lol
nave acid
Thank you!
Yes, I've discovered the joys of blipping (laughs).
>It's not as good as Sport Plus, but you still feel like you're in control (this is important!!!!). Sport mode
are finding it enjoyable.
Exactly! You are right...!
I'm no match for Sports Plus in skill, and I can't do anything that good.
The feeling of being in control is many times more enjoyable!
Someday a couple will drive in a Boxster, I'm sure it will be a big storm and heavy rain when I get there, lol!
In the meantime, I will have my husband do some preliminary research on famous roads all over Japan (laughs).
Maybe it's even easier to do heel-and-toe because it's a left-hand drive.
I have a right hand carrera manual transmission, but the gas pedal is done very far to the left, so I can't do heel and toe without twisting my foot a lot!
I think MT Porsche must be left hand drive
I see! After all, right-hand drive and left-hand drive are totally different...!