Participating in the Fuji Speedway Driving Event hosted by 911DAYS [Part 2] - Driving the Porsche Boxster GTS at Fuji Speedway
Published on: 04.01.2019

Finally, the day of the run!
the day before yesterdayParticipated in the Fuji Speedway driving event hosted by 911DAYS [Part 1 Today we will continue with the second part of the article in the following section.
Participating in the Fuji Speedway Run organized by 911DAYS [Part 1] - From Home to Lake Yamanakako
The next morning at the hotel in Yamanakako, I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and opened the curtains with a sense of excitement...
No, there's so much snow (*_*)!
My husband, too.
I think we can make it to Fuji Speedway by taking the toll road, but I wonder if we'll be able to drive once we get there..."
I was so sorry that my husband should have come alone. I was feeling sorry that I should have come with my husband alone......but then he changed his mind.The weather began to improve rapidly after 8:00.
Fuji is now clearly visible.
in additionChain restrictions also lifted.The first time I left the hotel, I was told that I had to leave the hotel immediately. The Boxster and Panamera in the parking lot were covered with snow, but did not look particularly icy, which was a relief.
For a while, we were able to drive the car at a good pace while enjoying the beautiful view of Mt.
I have never seen such a beautiful and clear view of Mt.It was a good day. Fuji, and the chain restrictions were lifted, so all's well that ends well!(The main event is not over yet.)
After 30 minutes of driving, we arrived at Fuji Speedway.
(I came to the west gate by mistake at first)
There was quite a bit of snow left, so I wondered if it would be okay... When I arrived at the venue, the registration for the 911DAYS-sponsored driving event had already started and many Porsches were getting ready.
In addition, on this day, the SuperCar Club Japan will be presenting theALL Japan Supercar Meeting 6thThe event was also to be held as an "event," and the parking lot was lined with Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Aston Martins, and other distinguished sports cars.
Afterwards, I was able to meet President Suga of WRP and his wife without incident.I've never seen snow at this time of year - but I'm glad it cleared up!While talking with the "Mere Old Man," my husband began to prepare for the running meeting.
However, there was still snow on the course, so I wondered if I could really run with it...
Then the briefing started at 10:30. I participated for the first time(or rather, a visit).So I had no idea that there was such a briefing before the running session.
In this briefing.Introduction to the course from the explanation of flags such as red and yellow flags, ,Lecture by a Carrera Cup-winning driver on circuit driving tips and tricksThese included. In addition, there was an on-the-spot "Running event schedule pushed back one hour due to snowAll were informed that "the
Pressed for 1 hour...
I wonder what the two girls will do while we wait....
When I was thinking about it.That I completely forgot to buy lunch at a convenience store.I realized that I had to go to a convenience store to buy lunch. President Suga had told me beforehand that I should buy lunch at a convenience store and bring it in...(I only had chain restrictions on my mind.)
So we went to the restaurant, and everyone was thinking the same thing.Long line outside the entranceBut, I was not satisfied with the food. I had no choice but to have calorie mates and snacks sold at the concession stand for lunch.
If I were an adult, I could have walked to the grandstand side to see the food stalls and such, but it would have been a hassle to move around with a child and a stroller. However, it would have been a hassle to push a stroller with a child.I'll definitely buy my lunch at a convenience store next time.I swore firmly in my heart, "I will do it.
However, the kids were happy as if it was a candy party. w
Boxster GTS running!
On the first run, we were allowed to have a passenger in the passenger seat for the first few laps, so President Suga's wife was "theI'll watch the kids, so by all means, ma'am, come along for the ride.He said.
."Yay!!! Then by all means take my word for it!For a moment, I was pleased to see that theWhat a surprise, my 2 year old second daughter wanted to ride it.Therefore, the second daughter decided to make her circuit debut in a hurry.
."Are you sure you're okay?I was thinking, "I'm not sure if this is a good idea," but...with my second daughter in the passenger seat, my husband waited at a place in front of the course where he was guided to. Since this was the running slot for 911DAYS, there was a full lineup of old and new Porsches and famous Porsches.
Amazing...! The shot of Mt. Fuji and the GT3 was also the most beautiful.
In the meantime, it was just before 1:00 p.m. and the Boxster GTS with my second daughter on board finally started its run.
However.At the end of one lap, the Boxster GTS immediately returned to the pits.
I thought something was wrong... and asked him how he was doing.Second daughter sleeps right before the circuit run.I called to him several times, but he did not wake up, so I said, 'Oh, no, this is bad.
The second daughter's debut on the circuit was, to the surprise ofbeing fast asleep (from beginning to end)The result was "W"...
What a waste of a great opportunity... If that's the case, I should have forced myself to get on board.
I got myself together and watched the Porsche race around the track from the second floor.It was very cool to see these Porsches, which normally only have a few TP2T of power, running at full throttle.The realism of the sound of the engine, brakes, and tires was tremendous, and everyone's driving was gentler, so I was able to enjoy the tour from start to finish with ease.
My husband returned after the first run without incident and looked very excited.
Oh no, it's so much fun! It's so much fun! I knew it!It is completely different when the tires are changed.The Boxster was very easy to drive, even when turning corners, because it stayed with me. Fuji, and it felt so good!
And. Well...that's nice...when you say that, it makes me want to run a little too. While I was thinking that, President Suga saidTire air pressure adjustment, brake check, and wheel retightening for each vehicleHe was working diligently on a variety of projects, including the following
This time, there were quite a few first-timers who participated in circuit driving.With this kind of support, even first-timers will be able to enjoy circuit driving with peace of mind.I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. By the way, thisWRPAs for Ms. Husband.
The support has been great ever since I purchased my air-cooled car. Even before delivery, they actually drive and test the 964 to check the feeling and noise of the car, and then they service the car and explain and suggest in detail what needs to be fixed.
Many of the used car dealerships I've been to only visually replace wear and tear items or perform maintenance that would pass inspection, but not this one. They understand how car lovers feel. The follow-up is also very generous and conscientious.
He seems to have full confidence in the company.
Also, on the day of delivery, a Porsche key chain and aFamous Nagoya sweets that his wife went out of her way to select for us.The children brought the gifts as souvenirs to the(I'm the best W)He was delighted with a small leap. This kind of concern makes me happy, doesn't it?
First meeting with Mr. Yamaken
The run itself is a lot of fun, butThe bottleneck is the long wait between the first and secondIt is. I could manage on my own, but the kids would quickly get bored and start blubbering, so that was a bit of a challenge.
On the way there, there was a parade run of supercars, so I took some pictures from the top, but there was nothing to do, and I was left in a daze for about two hours...
I had too much free time on my hands.Too much free time is killing me...and tweeted it out on twitter.
Heisei Owners Club (HOC)We found out that the chairman, Mr. Yamaken, is nearby. The Heisei Owners Club (HOC) is an organization calledThey say that young people are losing interest in cars, but even young people like cars!This is a community of car enthusiast owners born in the Heisei era, which was established by Mr. Yamaken.
festival held by the mountains in honor (honour) of Daikokutenwas launched by Mr. Maezawa, the president of ZOZOTOWN."Yusaku Maezawa Supercar Project“のメンバーでもあるのだが、twitterを通じてお知り合いになり、少しだけやり取りをさせてもらっていた。
I was circling the parking lot where the supercars were parked, hoping to meet you, when I saw Yamaken's Ferrari, which I had seen on twitter!
."I wonder if this is it... So, one of the people standing here is Mr. Yamaken... (*_*)As I was fidgeting, thinking, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do," a young man approached me.
Is this Mina-san? I'm Yamaken!"
Mr. Yamaken, as I had heard, has a cute face (w) and was very good with the children while I was taking pictures of the Ferrari. As one would expect fromPeople who have the ability to engage others have strong people skills.I thought again.
I said goodbye to Mr. Yamaken, and while I was doing soMy husband's second run started.This time, we decided to change locations and watch the driving from the top of the hill around the last corner, which turned out to be quite a good spot.
If this is how it was going to be, I should have been here to see it from the beginning! After letting my daughters play on the grass, I turned into a complete camera kid, taking a bunch of pictures, and the second run was over in no time.
And the results of the race were... well, you know...My husband came in 8th place, first among WRP's group.Yes.
At the top of the list are.GT3RS, GT3, 911 Turbo, Cayman GT4The husband in the Boxster GTS did very well against a field of cars including the following My husband is a
At home, every night.It was worth practicing on the Prestige.I'm not sure what to think. It's like "Real Gran Turismo".
But in reality, I almost lifted myself off the seat because of the G's, and also because I was on MT... If I had driven on PDK with a circuit seat, I could have gone faster. I'm still trying to get better!
I was so motivated to do this...but I wonder what my husband is really trying to achieve...w
Nevertheless, no one was injured and the event ended without incident, making it a very valuable experience. The circuit wasIt's like Disneyland for adults....Seeing all the adults, who usually work diligently with great responsibility, smiling like boys, even I felt so happy and rich.
President Suga told us, "Next year, please run Mrs. H., too!But my husband was eating out of his hand.
'No, no, my wife has to practice on the Prestige first!
I responded. My husband is very harsh with me in these areas. w
This was the first time for my 5 and 2 year old daughters to experience the circuit, and I wonder how the children felt about it. I wonder how they felt about it. When they get older, they probably won't remember much about this day... (laughs)
anyhow.WRPThank you very much for your kindness and hospitality, Mr. Suga, President and Mrs. Suga! We hope to see you again next year!
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Speaking of which, the husband stopped his wife from trying to test drive a 718 today, and the look on his face was stern: 。。。。 I am sure he was concerned about his wife. I hope you will try the 718 in the near future.