- Mina.
Author profile
Mother of three children, and manager of the Porsche blog "A Porsche Came to Our House". Until a few years ago, she had no interest in cars at all, but when her husband bought a Porsche, she discovered the beauty of Porsche, and eventually bought a manual transmission car herself.
On her blog, she writes about the daily life of her husband, a car geek, and his wife, who is brainwashed by him.
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Porsche News
Did Porsche design and Anpanman actually have something in common?
Porsche News
My Family's Car Life
The couple talks about "cars" for 2.5 hours out of the 3 hours.
My Family's Car Life
My Family's Car Life
Why do men who get ahead buy light cars?
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My Family's Car Life
Kim Tak said that he would not be driving a Corolla.
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My Family's Car Life
Audi's fascinating campaign - don't press the last send button...
My Family's Car Life
My Family's Car Life
You can't have freedom in a life that you leave to someone else.
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My Family's Car Life
What is a car to you?
My Family's Car Life
My Family's Car Life
I scraped the side of my Panamera...I had a dream.
My Family's Car Life
Reviews & Test Rides
First time to test drive Toyota Prius - positive aspects compared to Panamera...
Reviews & Test Rides