- Mina.
Author profile

Mother of three children, and manager of the Porsche blog "A Porsche Came to Our House". Until a few years ago, she had no interest in cars at all, but when her husband bought a Porsche, she discovered the beauty of Porsche, and eventually bought a manual transmission car herself.
On her blog, she writes about the daily life of her husband, a car geek, and his wife, who is brainwashed by him.
Latest Tweets
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My Family's Car Life
Do children raised by car-loving parents really become car lovers?
My Family's Car Life

Porsche Maintenance Costs
Porsche 911 Tiptronic ATF replacement and other maintenance records
Porsche Maintenance Costs, Porsche 911

My Family's Car Life
Went to a night spot to take pictures of the Porsche Panamera...
My Family's Car Life

My Family's Car Life
Driving a manual car - Accelerator work and clutch...
My Family's Car Life

My Family's Car Life
My husband is starting to think about switching Panameras - next weather...
My Family's Car Life

My Family's Car Life
A wife who has closely watched her husband grow up thinks that the most important thing is to be a "good man"...
My Family's Car Life

Porsche Maintenance Costs
Porsche Panamera One Year Inspection - Inspection Items, Ta...
Porsche Maintenance Costs

My Family's Car Life
I'm a blogger, I'm raising a family, and I also started a YouTube channel and realized...
My Family's Car Life

Reviews & Test Rides
Porsche Cayenne Turbo (958 late model) test drive review
Reviews & Test Rides, Porsche Cayenne