- Mina.
Author profile

Mother of three children, and manager of the Porsche blog "A Porsche Came to Our House". Until a few years ago, she had no interest in cars at all, but when her husband bought a Porsche, she discovered the beauty of Porsche, and eventually bought a manual transmission car herself.
On her blog, she writes about the daily life of her husband, a car geek, and his wife, who is brainwashed by him.
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That the BMW is looking very good after 5 months of delivery.

My Family's Car Life
The Ecology of Men Fascinated by Cars...
My Family's Car Life

Porsche 911
Porsche 911GT3 miniature car came to my house R...
Porsche 911, My Family's Car Life

Reviews & Test Rides
I am a woman and I drive a Porsche 911 GT3 and Boxster GTS and...
Reviews & Test Rides, Porsche 911

My Family's Car Life
Thoughts on Raising Daughters - Even Girls...
My Family's Car Life

Porsche Maintenance Costs
Porsche Panamera I calculated the maintenance costs for the first two years after delivery and...
Porsche Maintenance Costs, Porsche Panamera

My Family's Car Life
Left-hand drive? Or right-hand drive? Each with AT/MT...
My Family's Car Life

Porsche Taycan
Read the "Porsche Taikan" feature in the November issue of GENROQ...
Porsche Taycan

Porsche Attraction
The newest Porsche is the best Porsche - the best is ...
Porsche Attraction, Porsche 911