- Mina.
Author profile

Mother of three children, and manager of the Porsche blog "A Porsche Came to Our House". Until a few years ago, she had no interest in cars at all, but when her husband bought a Porsche, she discovered the beauty of Porsche, and eventually bought a manual transmission car herself.
On her blog, she writes about the daily life of her husband, a car geek, and his wife, who is brainwashed by him.
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Porsche Maintenance Costs
To keep my car clean - My family is a "protection film...
Porsche Maintenance Costs, My Family's Car Life

Porsche 911
Today is 911 Day! To drive a Porsche is to inherit history. Pol...
Porsche 911

Porsche Taycan
Driving long distances in an electric car is impossible, right? Owners of electric vehicles often misunderstand...
Porsche Taycan, tesla

How to buy a Porsche
Is a Porsche front axle lift system really necessary? Is it really...
How to buy a Porsche, Porsche 911, Information about Porsche

Porsche Taycan
It has been 7 months since I have owned Taikan. What are the actual electric costs? How many miles can it run on a full charge...
Porsche Taycan

How to buy a Porsche
The first encounter with a used car is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter...
How to buy a Porsche

Reviews & Test Rides
I was amazed at the Porsche that tested the driver's ability! Porsche 986 Bo...
Reviews & Test Rides, Porsche Boxster

Porsche News
Porsche has abandoned its F1 participation! The traditional brand has shown a clear stance and...
Porsche News

Porsche News
A phantom Porsche 993 911 Speedster was built by the Special Order Department...
Porsche News