I don't drive my air-cooled Porsche 911 (964C2) in mid-summer, so I'm 'summer sleeping' off the battery.
Published on: 07.15.2019

Air-cooled 911 in midsummer
My family has several cars.(W)I have one, but I can only put two cars in my home parking lot, so I rent a parking lot in the neighborhood or near my husband's office to park it. Therefore, we have to use the "Air-cooled 911 this weekend.(964C2)I have to swap my home and office cars because I want to drive aor ".I haven't driven a Boxster lately, so I'll come to work in a ____ and come home in a Boxster.My husband often says that "I'm not a good person.
And the other day.
I replaced a Boxster and a 964 that were left at the office.I won't be riding the 964 for a while, so I've cut the battery."
and my husband came home in his Boxster. I said, "Why don't you ride air-cooled for a while?When I hear the word
I don't want to drive my 964 in the middle of summer, in the blazing sun, at 35 degrees Celsius, in traffic. Well, it would be nice if there were no traffic jams, but not on Japanese roads.
And. ...It is true that air-cooled cars are old and seem like they should not be run in the hot sun. But I just didn't understand the reason for that, so I said, "I don't know."Why can't I ride air-cooled in the summer?(What an amateur question)When I hear the word
Because."air cooling"Yes, it's a good idea. When you're in traffic in the hot sun, the wind can't cool the engine and it's easy for heat to build up in the engine.
And. I see... "Even Porsche, the old air-cooled ones can break down like that.I said.
No, I don't think the 964 will break down, and with the oil cooler in front of it, it's not likely that the oil temperature will keep going up and up and up...But it does put a load on the engine.I don't want to do anything that puts a load on the car, so I don't drive in summer. I don't drive in the summer because I don't want to do anything that would put a load on the car.
I see. I was reminded that air-cooling means cooling the engine by wind. And then...Air-cooling seems like it wouldn't even work in the summer.I say, "Wa.
The air conditioner would work, but... I could manage to keep the temperature down to 31.2 degrees Celsius or so, but I think the air conditioner would not have enough capacity if the temperature reached 35 degrees Celsius or so.
I said. I said, "Well, even after thinking about it, I still think it would be better not to use air-cooling in the summer if at all possible."
Mr. Suga of WRP, where I bought my 964, also saidThe modern heat wave in Japan was not envisioned at the time of its launch.So, it is better not to ride in midsummer if possible. Well, I don't think it will break. He said, "Well, I don't think it will break.
And. I see...
Disconnect the 964 battery.
I see...there are a lot of things. And here I suddenly thought, "....Where do you cut the battery?Did I see a place to cut it?" I asked.
My 964 has a964RS battery switch at the time of purchase.The battery was attached to the So, if you turn it on, the battery can be easily cut off.
And my husband. By the way, that battery switch wasthis (indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic)It is.
*Image source.Battery main switch for Porsche 964 and 993
I see. Something that a modern water-cooled 911 would not have to think about first.For air-cooled 911s, you have to think about it.I guess that's why I'm not a fan of air-cooling. If I were to make the mistake of buying an air-cooled one myself, I'm afraid I'd quickly destroy the car due to my lack of knowledge... (-_-)
Today, I am reminded that owning a car requires at least a minimum of proper knowledge.
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Summer sleep...I am just jealous.
I would, too, if I could.
We only own one car, so even in the summer we are 964-only.
While the 964 has good visibility from inside the car, it also has strong sunlight into the car and
It is an air-cooled and air-conditioned mechanism with long piping.
It's not a very efficient cooling system, is it?
I am a summer measure.
Insulation transparent film on all glass surfaces
We recently filled the air conditioning gas fully and replaced the flap motor.
However, I am somewhat concerned that this will not be enough to survive the first extreme heat wave.
But we have to get through this.
I see you can fit the factory kill switch for the 964 RS!
Thank you for the valuable information. I have never heard of this before.
When the time comes for me to ride less, I would love to copy them.
It's been a while!
>Insulation transparent film on all glass surfaces
>We recently filled the A/C gas fully and replaced the flap motor.
>However, I am somewhat concerned that this will not be enough to survive the first extreme heat wave.
Oh I see, so there is such a measure.
I wish Japanese summers were a little cooler, but the heat wave and extreme heat are getting worse every year...
>I see you can fit a stock kill switch for the 964 RS!
>Thanks for the valuable information. This is the first time I know of it.
Glad to be of service.
Thank you for your continued support!
It's been a while since I've had a Porsche discussion, but air-cooling is a summer curse. When the humidity is high during the rainy season, the 930's Jettero will clearly lose its blow up. And when the real summer comes, it is no more.
I owned a 930 that was inspected in August with new oil and on the way home in traffic, the oil temperature went up and it was already screaming. Once the oil temperature is raised to over 160 degrees Celsius, oil deterioration comes at once because it is mineral oil.
Summer is for summer Sumi.
Thank you for your comment.
>And when summer arrives in earnest, it's no better.
>The 930 I owned was inspected in August with new oil and on the way home in traffic, the oil temperature went up and it's already screaming.
That's right!
I was reminded once again that it is the owner's knowledge and love that allows him to take good care of his air-cooled cars and keep them running for a long time.
It's really crazy how hot it's been lately...
Our family is also looking forward to being able to drive the 964 again in the fall.