How was the 718 Cayman T six months after delivery? (Part 2)
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Continuing from the first part of this report, I would like to focus on my impressions on winding roads and highways.
How was the 718 Cayman T six months after delivery? (Part 1)
A model midship bend.
We have a 981 Boxster GTS and a 992 at home, and the way the 718 Cayman T turns is different from any of them.
Of course.It is similar to the 981 Boxster GTS because of the same mid-ship, but its athletic performance far exceeds it.
As is typical of a midship vehicle, the rotation axis is located close to the center axis of the body, and when lightly turning the steering wheel on a winding road, the car starts to turn as if it were spinning. In this respect, the 981 is no different, but its response is faster and more precise than that of the 981.
Both the front and rear tires firmly grip the road surface, and there is very little displacement. 981's rear footing can be similar to that of 718 by installing the 718's lateral member in the rear, but there is still a difference in the front's ground contact and rigidity.
The 718 Cayman T is a PASM Sport, so the suspension is considerably more combatant.
Compared to the 992 Carrera T, the 718 Cayman T is more pleasing to me personally, simply based on how it turns. the 992 Carrera T also turns wonderfully well and turns like a midship with the benefit of the rear axle, but the original midship is even better.
However, there is one thing that is not found in the 718, but only in the 992 Carrera T. It is the "massiveI would like to say, 'I'm sorry, but I can't simply put it away with that word. It is, for example,The difference is like comparing a regular Carrera to a Turbo S.When comparing the Cayman T and the Carrera T, the Carrera T has a kind of quality that even the Turbo S has a dense feel to it.
Ultra-nimble handling
In the past987 CaymanI have been ridden by the owner of theVery light and fun!He often said, "I'm not a good person.
True to its word, the 718 Cayman T is very nimble. It weighs about the same as the base Cayman, but the T feels a whole lot lighter.This is the same relationship between the 992 Carrera and Carrera T, and it is clear that the "T" is set up in its own way.
Driving through the winding roads, it is quite nimble. This "lightness" is not something cheap, so to speak; imagine a muscular athlete who has lost weight. It is not just a skinny and light body.

Cayman (987) and 718 Cayman T
Therefore, there is no sense of uneasiness in spite of its light weight, and there is no discrepancy in the steering operation instructions, and the road surface feedback to the steering is very easy to understand. These are the points,It is a wonder of Porsche's setting, and almost no other car can express this kind of "sensory" feeling.
With a 911, I often drive with a particular load on the front, but with the 718, I can drive as if I were applying a load to each of the four wheels separately. I believe that the moderate roll and midship layout contribute to this sensation.
Personally, I don't have much use for Sport Plus on my 718 Cayman T. It is enough to drive winding roads at a slightly high pace without using Sport Plus or PASM in Sport mode. Rather, for general roads, the Sport mode is just right. It is better to think of Sport Plus as being for smoother surfaces, such as a circuit.
A side of the high-speed tourer.
718 has been said to have good high-speed stability on highways since its launch.articleHe has written several
Among them, I think it is safe to say that the Cayman T is quite stable and comfortable at high speeds.
Initially, I thought the ride would be firmer and slightly springy since it is a PASM Sport, but that is not the case at all.
The Cayman T is comfortable enough for city driving, but it rides even better on the highway.
It is smooth and flat, and you can tell that you are riding in a vehicle with extremely high workmanship and precision in the moving parts. This kind of feeling is the opposite of that of a domestic sports car.
The stability is more than sufficient, and the sound is loud enough that it does not lack the sense of speed of a European SUV or saloon, but other than the sound, there is no sense of speed. When accelerating hard on the gas pedal, you may be surprised to find that there is a large discrepancy between the expected speed and the speedometer reading.
Aside from its wonderful high-speed stability, it also has great straight-line stability. Even though it is a midship, it moves forward like an arrow. Why is this not possible with midships from other manufacturers? Cruising is possible with just a light hand on the steering wheel.
Of course, Japan's winding highways are a big favorite.
The Chugoku Expressway west of Okayama, with its many tight ups and downs and tight R corners, is a fish out of water.
With enough power, great stability, and controllable handling, it is truly a pleasant and safe ride. Driving in these areas, you can clearly see the high basic performance of the Cayman T.
Cayman T = Cayman Touring Package
Before I bought the Cayman T, I thought of it as a Porsche to be used mainly for city use and occasionally for winding roads due to its size, but after six months have passed, I still think that it is another true "Porsche" just like the Carrera T.touring packageIn the "In.
It is a car that combines great athleticism with comfort for long-distance driving, and with just the right amount of under-power to give you the opportunity to step on the gas pedal and enjoy the fun of revving the engine even on ordinary roads.
On weekends and holidays, we take the freeway to distant mountain windings and fast roads, where we can play with the Porsche to the fullest, just the two of us.
I think it is Porsche's "T", Cayman T, that is used in such a way.
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I always enjoy reading your articles.
It is a great relief to hear Hiro's high praise of the Cayman T. He seems to be equally impressed with it.
I have had my Cayman T for a little over a year now and ordered it in October 2021, before the war started in Ukraine.
Although a production quota for February 2022 was obtained, due to the shortage of semiconductors, there was no word on the completion of production until December 2022.
The car was delivered.
It was my first Porsche and as a beginner, I decided that if I were going to buy a new car, it would have to be a new car, and the Cayman T was the limit of what I could afford at the time.
Compared to the 981, the turbocharged design and, above all, the sound of the 4-cylinder engine, make me feel a little bit put off.
However, after test-driving both engines, I found that the sound of the engine and the feeling of the engine after starting up were not as good as those of the 981.
of the 718, and otherwise concluded that there is nothing inferior to the 718.
The suspension in particular is really well made, and when the Metropolitan Expressway C1 is empty at night, the road surface is very smooth with moderate ups and downs.
The way the car exits the corners without any seams is a result of a really well-made chassis and suspension.
I attended a Cayman gathering last year, and out of over 50 Caymans, only one T was a rare
I was wondering if it was a good idea or not, or if it was not popular, but now that Hiro has purchased it, I am really encouraged.
My Porsche life has just begun, but I intend to continue to enjoy it for a long time.
Hello, michiaki5150.
I am glad to see that there is a Cayman T owner here.
It seems that there really aren't many T's.
I am told that my dealership is the only one that has sold one of my cars.
As you said, it is a really great chassis and a very well balanced 718.
We hope you will continue to take good care of it!