In August, ____ will finally come to our house...!
Published on: 2020.03.02

Not about the car...
Sorry for the thought-provoking title. This time, we are going toNot about the car, but about our familyI'm a very excited woman. I, to my surprise, am currently 5 months pregnant and expecting my third child this August. Finally, it is time for me to tell you all.
When I wrote in an article that I was not feeling well from the end of the year to the beginning of the new year and would not be updating my blog as often, I received a message fromAre you feeling well?"Aren't you blogging too much? Take care!We received messages from many readers, including
Thank you very much for your warm messages. And I am sorry for causing you worry.
The cause of my poor health was morning sickness. In January, I could not eat well and was lying down most of the time, vomiting every day.Sometimes on a good day when I'm feeling well, I'll get on a roll and say, "Oy! and update my blog, or go to the Porsche Center.I would then suffer from intense vomiting that night...
Fortunately, this time the morning sickness was better than with my older two, and the duration of the sickness subsided unexpectedly quickly. And now, I'm feeling "a little bit better.I think my mouth tastes a little like stomach acid.I was feeling completely recovered to the extent that I was able to say, "I'm so happy to be here.
The reason our family's choice of car was so difficult to make was because of the surprise of having a new life.
If we're going to be a family of 5, we definitely can't afford a 4-seater Panamera. And wouldn't the Taikan be too small? ...Then, Cayenne...No, but if we have 5 people to move around, we'll use the Note...hmmm....
It was difficult for us to make a firm decision.
Pregnancy and Blog
We were so happy and delighted to have this new life, butWhen I found out I was pregnant, I was honestly at a loss.The blog has been growing at a good rate since last fall, and I, myself
Next year I'm going to go even more blog crazy!" Now that the kids are out of the way a bit, I'll finally have some time to myself, so I'll work even harder!"
I was pregnant just as I was getting excited about the idea.
In my experience, pregnancy changes the thought process from offensive to defensive and(I guess you could call it a nest egg.)For a while after the birth of a baby, the mother is so busy taking care of the baby that she does not get enough sleep, and it is physically and mentally difficult for her to take on the challenges of work and other activities she wants to do.
In addition, my eldest daughter will enter elementary school and my second daughter will start kindergarten this April, so it is inevitable that my life will be busy when the birth of my child coincides with my new life....There are things I want to do, but I have to put the brakes on again.I could not hide my bewilderment at this, so I discussed it with my husband and we had a lot of discussions about it.
However, I am a mother after all... When the baby's heartbeat was confirmed at the first antenatal checkup, I was so thrilled that my heart was filled with emotion.At that moment, I was ready to give birth.
Now, I'm just trying to make sure the baby is born safe and sound anyway, and I'm trying to take it as easy as possible.(But what is it about this personality that makes me push myself so hard...)I would like to spend my time in a relaxed manner.
Upcoming Porsche Blog
Also, our readers are concerned about theWhat will be the next candidate car for our family's Panamera?I think that is what this means.
We have a rough landing spot for this one, but we have not yet completely decided on the specifications and other details, so we will report back when the time is right.
And as for blogging, sometimes it's a matter of "Pregnant women and car storiesI plan to keep updating at the same pace as I am now, while also mixing in some "what ifs". I am not sure what will happen after the birth yet, but due to my personality, I will probably keep updating at the same pace as now.(Even though raising children is a challenge, it's also not in my nature to be all about raising children every day.)
Today's article does not mention cars at all...but please keep up the good work on "A Porsche Came to Our House".
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Unlike professional drivers, hobbyists enjoy their cars.
Like when you're facing it and you're a little bit away from it.
I think such a relationship with waves is not tiring.
Please continue to do so naturally and without strain.
So let's try one last time.
Congratulations on the pregnancy of your third child.
Kazukane Hills
Thank you!
I will try my best to buy a Porsche while continuing to do so naturally and effortlessly.
I won't be able to make the long drive for a while.
I am going to enjoy my car on a short drive ^^^.
MINA, your husband! Congratulations on your ministry!
That's truly delightful news!
I also have two young daughters who are the bane of my existence.
I look forward to your updates with great anticipation, but please take care of yourself and enjoy your health first!
I eagerly await the safe delivery of your baby in August!
I'm on the fence about my 970 Panamera choice too, going to the GTS!
hashkatsu acid
Thank you!
Oh yes! Children make you stronger, or so I'm told.
It really is a way of life, as you say.
>I'm on the fence about going GTS for my 970 Panamera choice too!
Oh yes!
Choosing a car is really difficult ^^;
After this, the baby will continue to progress smoothly and be healthy.
I wish you a happy birth (^_^)v
Mr. Whooper.
Thank you!
Anyway, I hope they will be born safe and healthy and in August.
I was thinking that it would be very difficult to have a big belly or something during a time of extreme heat... (laughs)
Congratulations!!! I look forward to more reviews from your new (bigger) family perspective!
Thank you!
I think I will be able to write more from a different perspective, so I hope to continue to write at my own pace.
Thank you for your continued support!
Take care of yourself.
First of all, I hope you have a healthy baby ^_^.
Thank you! Yes, I feel that I am much older and less strong than I was when I had my first child.
I would like to spend my time relaxing and waiting for a healthy baby to be born.
I remember how busy our family was last year with the entrance into the school.
Three rather than two.
I think that having a large family is a very lively and fulfilling way to spend your days. (We are just two people, but still...)
I know you are going through a lot, but please do your best while taking a break from time to time to get in the car and relax.
First of all, take care of yourself.
(My wife also said it was too hot when August was her last month of pregnancy.)
Congratulations again.
I see!
It's not easy when the entrance to school coincides with the entrance to kindergarten...!
I have a feeling that there is definitely some kind of preparation leak.
Your wife was in her last month of pregnancy in August!
It's going to be really hot...I'm going to sweat a lot.
Yes, I will try my best to relax. Thank you!
This is my first time posting here. I always look forward to reading them.
I actually follow your husband's account on social networking sites, and I always read your blog as part of my daily routine, thinking how great you are.
We have two daughters (6 and 2 years old) and they were driving a Cayenne until recently.
We are expecting our third child at the beginning of July and have switched from a Cayenne to a six-passenger Lexus RX450hL.
It is full of comfort equipment compared to the Porsche, but I am already talking to my wife, "I wish I had a Cayenne".
I couldn't help but comment when I heard that the family structure will be very similar.
Please take care of yourself and don't overdo it. Please take care of yourself.
We look forward to continuing to work with you.
Thank you! Thank you also for visiting our blog.
I see you've been following my husband's social networking sites too!
>We have two daughters (6 and 2 years old) and they were driving a Cayenne until recently.
>We are expecting our third child at the beginning of July and have switched from a Cayenne to a 6-passenger Lexus RX450hL.
Very similar situation...! LOL!
With three children, baby seats, car seats... If it were a normal car, it would be too small and it would be difficult to choose a car.
July, may you have a healthy baby.
I, too, will take it easy and spend my time relaxing so that a healthy baby will be born.
Thank you for your continued support!
I was relieved to learn the cause of my health problems at the end of the year.
I think both what Mina wants to do and the new life to be born are important.
I can't say it well, but please take care of both in a balanced way.
bamboo production
Thank you!
When I had a baby after starting my business, the company was as important to me as my own child, and of course the baby was too.
I was conflicted because I felt like I was halfway there on both counts.
I now think it is wonderful that there are so many important things to do.
You only live once, so I will cherish the things that are important to me and move on.
Thank you!
I was worried because your blog posts seemed somewhat listless, but I see that's what you meant.
I know 3 kids is a lot of work, but I'm sure the sisters will play an active role. LOL!
Take care of yourself and hang in there until the birth.
Thank you!
>I know it's tough with 3 kids, but I'm sure the sisters will play an active role. LOL!
Yes, my daughters are already ready to take care of the baby, so I feel dangerous but reliable ^^;
First of all, I will take good care of myself so that I can give birth to a healthy baby.
Thank you!
First of all, please take care of yourself.
When you've calmed down, you can go to the Porsche Center, take a drive, and
We look forward to your blog being updated.
Buzzer beater! Mr.
Thank you very much! I am looking forward to enjoying the Porsche life in a relaxed manner.
Thank you for your continued support!
Congrats on your third pregnancy!!!
I love it♪♪♪
I think the state should give awards to wives who have three or more children and contribute to population growth!
We also have two girls and when I said I wanted a third, my wife said no...(tears)
(My wife doesn't like children very much. I carried our oldest daughter to bed for nearly an hour every night when she cried at night.)
It's hard work for a while, but when it's over, it's over in a flash.
My high school and junior high school students can do everything by themselves. They can even make their own meals. It has become easier.
I knew you'd choose the Cayenne as your next car!
I used to go out with two bikes in the trunk of my last gen Cayenne, one 16" and one 12" for the kids!
(But the basket has to be removed.) In the U.S., Cayenne is popular as a mummy car.
It is true that a notebook can accommodate five people, but if a stroller or other items are loaded in the notebook, it will be crowded.
And in case of an accident on the highway, the Cayenne would be safe, but with the Note, your children would be safe...
Well then!
P.S. Looking forward to your air-cooling report.
We have brainwashed our second daughter, who loves cars, to take over the 964, leaving it as one owner.
Thank you!
>I think the state should give awards to wives who have three or more children and contribute to population growth!
I would be happy if you could present me with one Porsche or something (laughs).
Raising a child is hard work, and I was at a loss at first because I hadn't thought about a third child at all.
I hope that the children will soon be able to cook for themselves like Ingenieur's family.
If it's a Cayenne, it's nice because you can ride comfortably and it's built well in case of an emergency.
I just wish Japan had more land like the U.S. (laughs).
>P.S. I look forward to your air-cooling report.
>We have brainwashed our car-loving second daughter to take over the 964, leaving it as one owner.
Oh that's lovely: !!!! So romantic!
Haven't ridden air-cooled lately, so I'm eager to get back on it!
The other day when I got in the car, the car didn't turn as expected and I couldn't make a right turn, so I had to back up and do it all over again;
Thank you very much.
Wow, congratulations backslash!
That's wonderful.
I know there will be a period of time when you will not be able to drive to your heart's content, but please take it easy as you push forward on the Porsche road.
We are looking forward to hearing more about your air-cooled Porsche.
What do you most want to ride when you can't?
That must be the PORSCHE you like the most (^-^;
Hiroppon ∞☆3
Thank you very much!
Thank you!
Yes, even if I can't drive it the way I want to now, I hope to deepen my Porsche path over the next 30 years or so from here!
I would like to ride air-cooled again, so I will write another article about it ^^^.
>What would you most like to ride when you can't?
>That must be the PORSCHE that you like the most (^-^;
This is deep, very deep...!
Oh, congratulations!
Then the next car will be
1) Since the Porsche Design stroller does not seem to be commercialized, should we put a sticker on it?
2) Cayenne Coupe or 5-seat Panamera for family transportation in one car.
Roof box for when you have a lot of luggage
3) If you are moving 2 cars, a GT3 and a Boxster are OK (if the stroller fits).
I'm looking forward to it.
Thank you!
We went through two or three different choices for our car, and my husband and I talked about this, that, and the other.
It looks like it will finally land.
I just don't know if I can load a baby seat...
I'll be sure to post more on this!
Good evening.
And congratulations on your ministry!
I respect all three of you.
Our house is full of two people.
It's been a while? Please enjoy your life as an expectant mother.
Please blog as much as you can!
I have a 981gts wanting disease due to the influence Z of this blog.
It's a lot to take in and it's a lot of work.
nave acid
Thank you!
Our house is full with two people, so I am nervous about what will happen if we add another person... (laughs).
I can't drive long distances, but I'm hoping to relax and enjoy the Porsche life!
>I have been affected by this blog and have been getting the 981gts wanting disease.
>It's hard because it's taking so long.
Oh, I see... (laughs) Thank you!
mina, congratulations!
I'm late to the party because I've been so busy working on the new Corona countermeasure that I haven't been able to read your blog for a bit.
Thank you for this very happy and joyful story, in a world where the world is atrophying and it's hard to find anything cheerful to talk about!
Please take good care of yourself.
Thank you!
The new Corona, it's really tough... so much so that I'm not sure it would even affect a place like this.
I feel various influences every day.
Take care of yourself and I'll keep you posted on the blog!
Thank you for your continued support.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
From the moment I read the article about you not feeling well, I thought maybe...?
I thought so!
Keep blogging, driving, and working at your own pace, take it easy!
I'll be rooting for you!
Can't wait to see what the family car Porsche will be!
Thank you!
You're right...Mr. Gori, you have good instincts!
My morning sickness has subsided, but I'm quick to get into the swing of things.
I hope to spend my time in a relaxed atmosphere.
How is the 992 doing?
We look forward to seeing you in Ashiari!
>I can't wait to see what the Porsche in the family car turns out to be!
Thank you!