What the Panamera concept tells me.
Published on: 2017.08.15

Embracing ambition and turning ideals into reality
As I have blogged before, I love the text of the Panamera concept introduced on the Porsche Japan website.
Ambition and turning ideals into reality.
Instead of following single-mindedly on the path we have set out on, we will continually challenge ourselves to change our approach in every conceivable way.
By a different method than others.
The key to all of this is courage.
Break with all common sense.
We stand with an unchanging will.
Creating a future yet to be seen.
With courage, we will create a new world.
Only by achieving this will Porsche remain Porsche.
*Text source.Porsche Panamera - Porsche Japan
The World Panamera Aims to Create
It sounds cool when you put it into words, but in reality, it is a muddy world with continuous failures and steady improvements, and I don't think it is a glamorous or beautiful world at all. As for me, there is a time when my motivation to work drops tremendously every six months or so (explosion).
Rather than losing motivation, the source of motivation will feel depleted.
I'm not cut out for this job or this position. I've reached my limit. I should quit my current job and change jobs. If I ask that company, I'm sure they will hire me. If I tell that company about my friends, they will give me a job."
I sometimes seriously think, "I'm not sure if I can do this. But then I have a chance to meet a senior colleague who has been a great help to me, or I receive a nice word from a customer, or I get a job six months down the road....I don't have time to quit here. I can still do it!"and excited.(I feel bad for those around me who get pushed around every time that happens)
My experience is not even close to Porsche's feet, soles, or fingers... but it is not an easy road to pursue one's ideal. That is why I am so impressed by Porsche's words at the beginning of this article.Creating the Panamera, a 4-door saloon that retains the soul of a sports car.What a...yes, I think it is really cool that Porsche continues to embrace ambition and turn ideals into reality.
We expand the big bath, and we get results." And there is a belief that will never change, even if the times change. I must say, Porsche is amazing. I, too, will do my best in my work!
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