Panamera car wash - Hand wash or machine wash? Can I use a car wash machine?
Published on: 2017.08.13

About Panamera Car Wash
Yesterday, I decided to wash my Golf at a gas station car wash in order to go back to my parents' house. Usually, I wash my Golf in a car wash machine, but when it comes to the Panamera, I have to wash it in a car wash machine.Hand wash at gas station."I have only ever asked for a car wash. I am afraid that an amateur might damage the car if I wash it by hand without knowledge, and I am also afraid that I will be in trouble if the car is scratched by an automatic car wash machine.
But.I wonder if there are people out there who wash their Panameras in automatic car washes."So I went online and looked it up...
I knew you were there!
I read his blog.With JAVA's no-brush car wash, you can wash your Panamera without any problems.It seems." That said, JAVA's no-brush car washable size isHeight: 2.3 m or less Length: 5.0 m or less Width: 2.0 or lessI heard that.
Panamera, you're just in time ((;))).
I mean, as far as length is concerned, the Panamera is over 5 meters, so it's out.
However, I heard that I can wash my car nicely without any problem and without getting scratches. But I'm still too scared...if it gets's too risky and hard to take the plunge.
What if I rub the side mirror in a giggly way?
What if I pull over on either side of the road and stop, and I scuff and scratch the wheel?
What if the width does not match and both sides are scratched?
Even if I screamed, "Somebody - somebody - please help me - please help me - please help me," no one would be able to hear me with the windows closed, too. Just the thought of being able to do nothing but watch the Panamera, which can just barely scratch the sides forever, makes me want to burst into a bubble and die.
Key Points for Hand Washing Car
I knew that hand washing my car would be better and risk-free, so I did some research on the points of hand washing my car. After much research on the Internet, I found that the points of hand washing cars areKindness" and "efficiency."It seems.
Choose a no-compound car wash shampoo (the best-selling no-compound car wash shampoo on Amazon).SureStar Car Wash Shampoo)
Brushes, if possibleMouton Brushto be a "good" company.
interpoint (interword separation)car wash clothshould be soft and highly absorbent.
Wash the car efficiently and speedily, and reduce the number of times the car touches the body as much as possible.
However, the Porsche Panamera has a very good coating, so a little dirt is enough to wash with water. Also, now is the season when there are many mosquitoes, so when autumn comes and the mosquitoes are gone, I may try hand washing the car by myself on my days off.
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Hi Mina.
I wanted to comment since you wrote about the car wash.
I always run the JAVA no-brush car wash.
A rare white Panamera was at the car wash today.
I couldn't see where the car wash goes through, but there's about 5cm of room at each end on my car.
Maybe the Panamera will be ok ^^^.
Then hand washing the car is easy.
It is not difficult.
By washing hands thoroughly by yourself, you can inspect various areas and make discoveries.
JAVA hand car wash is recommended.
It might be better to wait until the weather cools down since the temperature is still high.
third wheel brawl
Thank you!
I see you're doing a no-brush car wash for JAVA!
And the fact that the Panamera is coming to the car wash means it's going to go without a problem!
I'll go there next time ^^^!
And I will try to hand wash them myself when the weather cools down. Thank you!