Porsche x Aimé Leon Dore 993 Turbo
Porsche 911

ポルシェ×エメ レオン ドレの最新作 – 993ターボが魅せる伝統と革新の融合

ポルシェとエメ レオン ドレの最新コラボレーション、993ターボを詳細に解説。マルベリーグリーンのボディカラー、テクニカルアップグレード、洗練されたインテリアデザイン、そしてユニークなディテールを通じて、クラシックカーの魅力を現代的に再解釈した独創的なデザインを紹介。

center lock wheel
How to buy a Porsche

Porsche's Center Lock Wheels - Consideration of whether or not they should be used in regular cars.

The center lock wheel recall by Porsche is an opportunity to examine the pros and cons of adopting racing car-derived technology in production vehicles. The history, merits and demerits, and customer needs are explained from various perspectives. This is a topic that Porsche drivers should know about.

Porsche Taikan
Porsche Taycan

Three-day, two-night business trip to Tokyo by Taikan|How many times did it take to recharge the battery for a round trip of 1,270 km?

Porsche Taikan "Took the Taikan to Tokyo! Traveling on a business trip for two nights and three days while charging at a charging spot. Thoughts on the charging situation from Hyogo to Tokyo/Yokohama, the reality of long-distance driving, and the hassle of operating the charging system.