Reviews & Test Rides

フェアレディZ NISMO(RZ34) 納車1ヶ月の実感とポルシェとの違い


News from the Blog



Porsche 911

ダカールではないもう一つのオフロード911『MARSIEN』を解説 – 992型911ターボSベースの...


Porsche 911

ポルシェ タイカンターボGTには「Taycan」の文字が存在しない – その理由とGTモデルの命...

ポルシェ タイカンターボGTから「Taycan」の文字が消えている理由を、GTモデルの歴史的背景と合わせて深く解説。964との走行フィーリングの共通点や、ポルシェが追求するミニマリズムの哲学まで、オーナー視点で詳しく掘り下げる。

News from the Blog

【ライブ配信まとめ】Vol.71:ポルシェ タイカン ターボGTの魅力とポルシェパレード参加への期待

、タイカン ターボGTの魅力と718 スパイダーRSの期待について語る配信まとめ。ポルシェパレードの情報や、電気自動車ならではの特徴も詳しく解説。

Taikan Turbo GT Weissach Package
Porsche Attraction

Porsche Taikan Turbo GT is a GT model from Porsche that doesn't have to compromise in the everyday range

ポルシェ タイカン ターボGTは、1000馬力級のモンスターでありながら、日常的な走行も快適にこなすという、驚異的な二面性を備えている。ポルシェのグレード戦略におけるタイカン ターボGTの特異性を、オーナーの視点から詳細に分析する。

Taikan charging screen
Porsche Maintenance Costs

Electric Vehicle (EV) Home Charging Environment - Beginner's Guide

Explanation of home charging facilities for electric vehicles (EVs). The owner of a Porsche Taikan and a Tesla Model 3 explains in detail why and why a 3kW charging facility is sufficient based on his own experience, how it compares to high power chargers, and how much it costs.

Taikan Turbo GT Weissach Package
live transmission

Live Streaming Summary] Vol. 70: Electric sports car beyond imagination! The Taikan Turbo GT fascinates...

The Porsche Taikan Turbo GT Visor Package has arrived at our home. We delve deeper into the ride comfort, driving performance, and practicality that exceeded our expectations from the owner's unique perspective.

Taikan Turbo GT Weissach Package
Reviews & Test Rides

The most powerful Porsche ever made takes delivery! Taikan Turbo GT Weissach Package - 1108 HP Impulse...

Delivery report on the Porsche Taikan Turbo GT Weissach Package, a detailed review of the overwhelming performance of 1108 hp and the otherworldly driving experience brought about by the thorough reduction of weight. The new "Active Ride" system provides a flat and comfortable ride.

Porsche Attraction

The psychology of men attracted to women who drive sports cars - Secrets of men who like cool women

Why do women who love sports cars attract men? The image of an independent woman, understanding of a man's hobbies, common topics of conversation... This is a thorough explanation of the relationship between men and women connected by sports cars and the psychology of men who like cool women.

live transmission

Live Streaming Summary] Vol. 69: Searching for Driving Shoes and Fairlady Z vs 911

From the points to consider when selecting driving shoes, to a comparison of driving feel between the Fairlady Z and the 911, to the current state of German manufacturers, the article provides a wide range of perspectives.

Reviews & Test Rides

FAIRLADY Z NISMO (RZ34) 500km post-delivery review: The true value and unexpected aspect that Porsche drivers feel

The Fairlady Z NISMO has just been delivered, and this detailed review of real impressions after 500 km of driving compares it to the Porsche 992 and the 718 Cayman T. High-speed stability, winding road driving, and the "not-so-honorable" appeal of the car are also highlighted.